rsconceptions Wrote:Fed up of it!! The single life. Grr.
Would like to know what a relationship is like
I know Rikki, I hope you'll find the right person soon. Some of us waited almost a lifetime before finding that "rare pearl" ( that's an expression we use in French).

mile: Don't despair.
Mind you, you've also got to be ready, and by that I mean ready to make moves and take a few risks, try to shirk off that shyness... ie talk to that guy that you find attractive. Give chance a chance, you know?
I've heard (and used) this saying which goes: "
Refusal is to be taken for granted." (
Le refus, on l'a déjà!) Again this might need an explanation. What do you risk by asking someone? You risk refusal or acceptance, or maybe even an "I don't know." If you ask expecting to get refusal, and not expecting anything else, you will never build your hopes up and be disappointed, because you weren't expecting to have a "YES" in the first place. Of course it takes a little courage but it's also the mindset that will help you to build the confidence to ask.
If the person makes up their mind to say "YES!", then you are either lucky, or doomed (lol). It all depends on how the relationship builds up after that. But at least a "Yes!" would give you an opportunity to give it a go, right?
Try to exploit those possibilities. Don't expect too much, but be ready to explore and be a little more generous, less cautious than you would normally be... it pays. This doesn't mean that you must let someone take advantage of you, nor lose your self respect. If you've met the right sort of person, they will respect that and act accordingly.
What's more, I'd say, if you've made a mistake in asking, and realise it, well, don't give yourself too much of a hard time. Mistakes happen and they are human. Just forgive yourself and move on.
Good luck, Rikki my boy, you deserve that happiness (and those kisses and cuddles!!!
