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i am a 22 years old/young guy that goes by the name of Michael.
i live in Belgium so i apolygize in advance for possible bad spelling of words.
hmm so where to start on a more detailed introduction of myself.

since the age of 17 i have bin living alone whit my cat fluffers.
i both enjoy gaming online as reading a good book. i am very intressed in history and universe related stuff. i'm not much of a party animal, i rather go and do something whit friends , like going to a restaurant of the movies.

if you have more question feel free to ask em Smile i promise i won't bite after i had my meals!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Welcome to GS!

(I think that you might be our only member from Belgium.)

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

Welkom Welcome bij ons, Michael... Ik zie je woont in Gent. Spreek je Nederlands dan?

thnx thnx.
Yup my language is dutch Cool

Not double Dutch then?
Nice to have you onboard...What's your story of coming out? Is there one?

Hey Mideb, check this out... it's in the station at Antwerpen.

hehe, i remember that see'ing it on the news of 19:00.

the coming out part well , i have told my best friends and thats about it really.
havent told any of the family members simply cos 22 years ago they give me away and lets say i'm not that intressed in sharing my life now with them..

so are you finding it ok to be gay in Gent? I suppose your cat !!!! Kitty CatFuzz Catmilk doesn't mind at all so long as you give it some Fish2(is it a he or a she,btw?)

its ok i guess.. haven't really payed attention to what people do or say on the streets.. we have 1 bar where gay guys come and 1 for the lesbians and then we have a holibi talk-cafe.. although i think the lesbian bar is in financial problems!:eek:

Hello, Mideb. Welcome Confusedmile:

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