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Sean's Dreams
I have tried interpreting my dreams for many years now, (my mom since 1997!). I seem to have a block of dreams, then for ages nothing. But I dream a lot when there's a lot going on in my head lol. And I have found my dreams very helpful to me in the past. I remember 2 years ago, I had about 3 or 4 dreams within 2 weeks about getting attacked by a dog, one of the dreams was a cat. And they all had to do with friends and disloyalty. Not long after, my so-called mate at work, completely disowned me because I said I had feelings for him. And completely slagged me off. Kinda weird!

I had numerous dreams beginning of this year, which I actually recorded. Even more freaky the dreams I had was on 2 Feb, 2 Mar & 2 Apr !! And they were very signifcant. I will include them on here, for those interested. And they all had to do with my emotions, feelings and anger, etc... which was happening in real life at the time. But this last week I've had 2 dreams about dogs again! Barking-mad-ones! But this time not physically attacked by them.

I think it was the weekend I had one, and I was on a high wall or something, and for some reason I was up and down it, maybe I was working or something, but obviously wasn't significant in the dream. But anyway, there was this dog at the bottom of the wall, and kept trying to get my legs. I think it was German Shephard (I don't know much about dogs but I think I'm right lol). And, of course, as you would in reality, I kept trying to kick it to get it away. I don't recall being scared as such, which is kinda odd, as I would in reality! And I carried on getting up and down, and everytime I was on the wall, he kept jumping up to get my legs. The last time I got down, I must have get angry, I can't remember what I done, but I made him lie down a few yards away. And that was that lol.

Last night, I had another "dog dream". I remember this young lad with a dog on its lead. It was at night time. And I must have done something, or there must have been a reason why he did what he was going to do. Again, I can't remember. Maybe he was just a horrible man lol. But anyway, it was the same dog as in the last dream. And he said he was gonna let the dog go, knowing that it would chase after me. So I started shouting "No, no, no. Don't do it." I got really scared, and starting running. I ran over into the middle of some bushes. And there was this kind of biggish wall, but with like 4-side. LOL, a box wall or something. I don't bloody know what you call them! Anyway, there was this other young lad there, about my age, trying to get up. It was only about 4ft to be honest. And the dog must have been after him too, cos he was really trying to get up the wall. I tried too and succeeded. And as the dog came running over, I was still on my stomach, after getting up. And the dog attacked this lad. And I think he was jealous of me, cos I got up the wall and he didn't. So he tried pulling my legs to get me down off the wall, so I could get attacked too. The dog obviously seen what he was doing, and the dog said, (...lol...) "I'm not gonna attack you Sean, cos he's cheated" Something along those lines. Which was fair-play really. And, er, yeah, thats all I remember of that one.

LMFAO. I love my dreams so much. I'm gonna post some more in a bit Icon16

cool... nice to remember your dreams (I guess Scared )


I was in the bottom floor of a maisonette opposite where my dad lives. There's like 4 maisonettes that surround this tiny park. I was in the one opposite my Dad's. (I don't live with my dad). I was with my Dad, my Step-brother John, and my Dad's mate Paul. As it happens the 4 of us worked together about 3 years ago when I was out of work. Now Paul was in front of us, dad and john were behind me. Paul had these really red eyes, like he'd been crying. But he was real, real angry. And he loads of beer bottles by him, and he started throwing them at us. And I started screaming (a man scream, kind of AAAAAHHHH lol). And I started to run outside of the building, through the park, to my Dad's house. I turned back and saw Paul running after me lol. And he made this evil, demonic laugh, like a witch. That shit me up to be fair. Even if in reality that happened. Haha! Then I got the other building, then realised that I won't be able to get through the doors of the maisonette cos I didn't have one of those magnetic keys. And thats when I woke up! And I woke up scared! :eek:


Now this one is the most scariest dream I've had since I was about 12/13!
I was in the bathroom having a shower. Then I suddenly went dizzy. By the way we have a shower over the bath, not a separate one. I turned to get out of the bath. And as my feet hit the floor, well I never felt my legs touch the floor. I became paralysed. Everything went all blurry and cloudy, and I started to fall, in slow motion. And I had this thought in my head, for some reason, that I was dying. And I fell flat on my hands, just in front of the toilet. And then I thought, how is anyone gonna come and get me, cos the bathroom door is locked. So I started screaming. But nothing came out my mouth, or maybe it did, but "I" didn't hear myself. Who knows which? And thats when I woke up.


All these dreams, were during a time when I had feelings for someone, and I was coming to a boiling point where I just had to say something. A time of extreme confusion, anxiety, etc. Part of the same current events.
There is an off license by me, and I was in there, working. And this lad from work, Jay, was working there too. A lad who I'm emotionally involved with in real life. By the staff room at the back of shop, I had some money on the table and my wallet etc. I finished work and left the shop to go home. Half way home I remembered that I left my money and wallet, so I went back. Maybe it was fate! As I was gathering my stuff, Jay came out the staff room to go home too. In my dream he lived not far from me, although in reality he lives about 7 miles away lol. So in the dream I thought, "Yes I get to walk home with Jay". But as he came out the staff room he didn't see me, so I shouted his name, he turned round, and then we left the shop together. When we left the shop it was really dark, not as in night time, but because there was this big, dark cloud above us. We got to this corner - where I would go my way, and he would go his, home. Whereas we would normally say "Goodbye, see you tomorrow" kinda thing, I stopped him and I was gonna say "I love you". But he stopped me. I can't remember what he said now cos I only recorded the interpretation and not the dream itself. But it was along the lines of "You know, I love you", then he kissed me at the cheek. But before that he was kinda uneasy about what I was about to say, its like he knew I was about to say something that he didn't wanna hear. And you know, even before this dream, I always thought that is how he would be in reality if I was about to say something like that. Its like he knows I'm about to say something he might not wanna hear. Isn't that strange? OMG, I've only just thought. This is the first time I've matched this dream up to something thats actually happened! As it turns out though, about a month or so about the dream, in reality, I stopped him before he was about to go home from work, to tell him something really important, because at that time I was at boiling point, to the point where I needed to just say something. But its like he knew, and as I stopped him and started talking to him, he started walking away and said "I gotta go" - I mean he's only going home, he lives 5 mins from work lol. So I kind of narrowed down what I was gonna say, and said "We've both been a bit off with eachother lately" and I emphasised "We both have". And at the same time he's still trying to get away. So I said "I just wanted to make sure there's no hard feelings between us". And he said "Yeah, yeah, yeah", and he carried on walking, he turned around, stuck his thumb up, and said "Alright?", so I stuck my thumb up and that was that. And I felt better at the time. Then a week later, I realised I should have been offended by his actions, but thats another story. Anyway, back to the dream lol. He said "You know I love you. But if you try and tell me again, I won't talk you again." Something along those lines anyway. But it was a sort of warning from him to me. Then he hugged me, kissed me on the cheek and went home. But I felt, in the dream, rejected. So I carried on walking home, then the big, dark cloud disappeared and the sun came out. I got in the door, and mom was talking to somebody, and I kind of tried to interrupt her, to tell her what just happened. And then I woke up LOL

MAD MAD MAD!!! :biggrin:

A lot of these dreams are created by a body that is under pressure (physical and mental) and sometimes when the muscles finally relax, they give you this weird sensation of being all light and fluffy... Since you are a(n in)tense person (it seems)... it could come from that too.

is there any1 else like me that CAN'T remember their dreams? the only thing i dream of is to GET A JOB & to suck a BODYBULDER off!

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