Why? Would you want to eradicate certain feelings?
What's wrong with gay feelings then 72jay? What's wrong about them for you? Too much pressure? Too much ill feeling? Too weird? Too uncomfortable? Too unnatural?
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72jay Wrote:Yep ... as bad as it may sound if i could eliminate 'gay' feelings i'd do it...even if it meant losing all feelings of attraction.
Why? What would be the joy of life if you lost all feelings of attraction?
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
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I have to say I'd more than likely consider it.. And as 72jay said it is kinda down to the way I was brought up.. Mums fine with me being gay, and so are friends and family friends.. However dad, nan and other members wouldn't be as understanding..
And the kids factor.. Before I get boo'ed and hissed and reminded about adoption and all that jazz while being gay.. It isn't the same and it never would be. I'm not saying I'd love an adopted child less but it wouldn't be the same situation.
Its the whole idealogical of being straight.. growing up good job, nice house, huge wedding, stunning bride, having a little boy, a girl.. a sporty car but then a big 4x4 for the kids, getting the first dog.. seeing the kids grow up, first partners, grand kids, big family christmas's and all that I still find hard to let go of :S
And if im HONEST now?! The only thing that would make me try with a woman would be the kids factor which is completely wrong yup but >_<
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]