Mashiro Wrote:... How did you meet each other ? (If it isn't too indiscreet, of course
mile: )
I wonder if I could be with someone who speaks an other language ..

No, I think I can tell this one, at the risk of boring everyone who's already heard the tale.
PA and I used to contribute to discussions on another gay website. We were both looking for some kind of information, affirmation and advice I suppose. Instead of that, we found each other. He wrote me an e-mail following up something I said in one of the discussions and we became pen (or should be "keyboard"?) friends. We wrote to each other nearly every day for several months.
I was going through a difficult time and he invited me to visit for a change of scenery. It certainly was a change. We spent a day In Geneva where they were celebrating the 400th anniversary of pouring vegetable soup on the Duke of Savoie ... :eek: and we danced in the street to a steel band from Zurich. It wasn't love at first sight, but we had a lovely few hours together. Four months later life at home reached a very bad state. I realised I was hurtling into another suicidal depression and I had to get out. One day, after being deprived of sleep for five days, I packed a few things and sought sanctuary at the home of my recently widowed father. PA was incredibly supportive and practical and invited me for another visit, so I went over for the second time the following week. This time I spent a few days with him. The last thing I wanted or needed was to go into another relationship, but we don't always get what we want, I'm pleased to say

After a couple of years of not really knowing when we would able to be together I decided that I would not take any work bookings for a week each month and make sure that I was in France during that time and whatever other time I could manage as well. That's what I've been doing for the past few years.
The language difference is not an issue for us, since PA is fluent in a few languages and utterly capable in several more. He was brought up bilingually in French and English and consequently speaks English better than most English people I know. The only disadvantage of this is that it has made me very lazy about learning to speak French.