06-09-2010, 06:07 PM
Hi, I am 35 and male. I also look way younger then I am.
I just recently realized that I am gay. Not bi or just a little interested like Ive been kidding myself my hole life.
Guss i been struggling with this gay thing a lot.
I have now just in the last few weeks joined a dating site.
Just its not easy. I am to shy to put a face pick up and all every guy there seems to wont is just sex. Am looking for moor then that.
Anyway, Hope to maybe find myself a little moor here and maybe find out where to go and stuff to meet other guys.
No one in my life knows am gay sept an X GF that I thought deserved to know.
She got a BF now tho and i don't see anything of her even tho she was totally cool about it all.
PS, Thanks to Andy the web master for he's help in me getting here. Or should I say De web master lol
Also I hope there is some guys as old as me here. Be nice to hear from them.
Not that I mind talking to the younger ones just am sure you know what am saying.
OK am rambling now so I leave it here
I just recently realized that I am gay. Not bi or just a little interested like Ive been kidding myself my hole life.
Guss i been struggling with this gay thing a lot.
I have now just in the last few weeks joined a dating site.
Just its not easy. I am to shy to put a face pick up and all every guy there seems to wont is just sex. Am looking for moor then that.
Anyway, Hope to maybe find myself a little moor here and maybe find out where to go and stuff to meet other guys.
No one in my life knows am gay sept an X GF that I thought deserved to know.
She got a BF now tho and i don't see anything of her even tho she was totally cool about it all.
PS, Thanks to Andy the web master for he's help in me getting here. Or should I say De web master lol

Also I hope there is some guys as old as me here. Be nice to hear from them.
Not that I mind talking to the younger ones just am sure you know what am saying.
OK am rambling now so I leave it here