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Is it OK to pay?
I don't have any moral issue against it. I also think the behaviour of giving money ( or the equivalent) isn't only eminent in most human cultures but also played a role in the evolution of mankind.

While feeling the guy I will have sex with is attracted to me is a must for having sex with him, I don't think this is anything more than a sexual preference, no matter how many people share the same sexual preference as mine. In addition, I can't be sure that this will not change with time( and reality). Its easy at my age to say this is disgusting, or that I will never imagine doing it, but I'd rather wait till I live the real situation before giving such statements.

unfortunately its often not easy for people to find the perfect satisfying sexual partner, and most of times no human being can help with that, But the best thing people can do to make things easier and happier is not add more nonsense restrictions and laws to the already harsh laws of nature.

for younger i think "Most younger gays prefer guys their own age." this is more suitable, as far as payable sex is concern then i think its ok when you have a lot of precautions available

I LOVE older guys and I'm 18.

I could careless about guys my age. Give me a 30 year old any day of the week over someone my age.

I'll agree with Lee though that it is sad when people have to resort to the sex industry just because they can no longer feed themselves or their families... It's a commodity, yes, but it would be so much better if there actually were JOBS! (and I don't mean prostitution)

Perhaps there are jobs out there, but they find them very hard work and most unpleasant, perhaps they find prostitution easier, less unpleasant and more profitable. Just wondering .....

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

Well I'm not into prostituting myself lol but if others want to what right do I have to stop them?

And I don't think your "facts" are actual facts rather than just assumptions most people have that are most likely inaccurate.

What facts did I assert?

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

I thought of something when I was reading this...especially about the "sad" part and I thought I might share something to give it a bit more flavor because sad was the last thing I felt and the last thing he felt. When I was in my mid 20s...one afternoon an extremely hot man in his early 30s walked in the bar right after I opened...he ran out of money gambling at the card club across the street and wanted back in the game. He was married with six kids and asked me if there was anything he could do to make a few bucks to get back in the game...at first I didn't catch on...but he led the conversation and offered me a BJ for 10.00 and then I got it:biggrin: I told him...nah...I don't like oral sex but if he let me f*ck hm I might consider it...he replied...NOT FOR 10.00! and I just grinned as I was only half serious...a few minutes passed after he was trying unsuccessfully to negotiate and finally he agreed to my terms which kinda surprised me but I was turned on sorta ...so I did it. ...and I was shocked at how much I liked it...and here comes the other angle and another side to the sad/no love aspect...

I was a good looking and very physically fit dude with alot of options and boyfriends at the time and I certainly didn't have to pay for sex but what I realized I got off on was that I didn't have to deal with the love aspect of it all and the small talk which always made me uncomfortable anyway....Tina Turner got it right when she asked whats love got to do with it? (at least sometimes:biggrinSmile

After he bent over the barstool and I climaxed I pulled out and he asked me to do it again so he could climax too and I was not very nice about itDevil2...I told him it was my money and my rules and I was done and besides I didn't want to get caught as the bar was open....but if he came back next week I would accommodate him...and he did come back and I did accommodate himSperm...maybe 5-6 more times:biggrin:. He then wanted to spend the night with me...for free...it kinda ruined it. Oh well..it was fun while it lasted.

Just wanted to add a different spin to the conversationWink

I would pick d)
I don't find this idea disgusting or offensive.

Paying for sex is just great as long as both parties are fine with it.

There are boys out there who are very poor and have to struggle to support their family and/or themselves. In that case, older men who are willing to pay for sex are like more than great.

I am very much into older guys. But since I am not very poor, I would choose to go with the guys I am into. If he offers drinking money, I wouldn't refuse Supergrin . Who doesn't want a free lunch lol.

Hi Everyone!
Of the many Forum Topics and Discussions currently available to browse through on Gayspeak, this topic (Is it ok to Pay?) really interested me the most – probably because I have had personal experience with this issue on several fronts.
I enjoyed reading the many replies; and I would like to take this opportunity to add my thoughts (and opinions) on this subject. I will try to keep my post from becoming a “book” – but if it does, take into account that is the “writer” in me coming forth.
In my associations with guys of nearly all age brackets – personally and professionally – I encountered several “facts”.
1) Most (but not all) young guys DO WANT to be with guys their own age.
2) Many older guys (but not all) LIKE being with younger guys.
3) No matter what the topic of discussion is, there will ALWAYS be a certain percentage of individuals who will find (whatever is being discussed) as ‘offensive’, ‘sad’, ‘sick’, ‘deplorable’, ‘disgusting’, and ‘shameful’. That is just human nature.

But when one person, group, or organization finds it in their “calling” to bring about censorship and control over those who believe differently than they do, then that is where I draw the line – and immediately distance myself from such narrow minded and self-serving individuals or groups.

No one individual soul is better than another – each of us has our own way, manner, and cosmic schedule in living our lives so that we may experience all that is necessary in order to become more mature and understanding towards life in general, and in particular, comforting and tolerant towards those individuals around us who are – for whatever reasons there may be – of a different station or belief.

As for relating specifically to just the “pay” aspect of this discussion, I have personally been privileged to have made the acquaintance of several young men who made (and currently are making) their way through life – making a permanent niche in the world for themselves both of an honorable and respectful position in life’s journey – and almost without exception, doing it on their own initiative and inner drive.

All of these young men that I have come to know personally, were (are) the victims of severe and difficult circumstances beyond their immediate control – but not one would I ever be ashamed of because they chose to make their way in life via being paid for a service not universally acceptable by the majority – that of being a Male Escort.

As for “why” any person – young, older, or senior citizen – would hire a Male Escort, the reasons can be, and often are, much more complicated that some of you herein this Forum Discussion have inferred - intentionally or not.
But as with the male escort who OFFERS his companionship for a certain amount of pay, the person who HIRES the escort is also without shame or “wrong doing”. Each is fulfilling the other’s needs; and though at times there may be “ulterior motives” on the part of either (it happens), that in itself is NOT dependent or indicative of the ‘character’ of the profession of escorting, but rather rightfully falls upon the consciousness (and character) of each individual – and for which they, and they alone, are responsible for their KARMA.


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