How about the POV of a straight guy?  mile:
I've always felt that consenting adults should be allowed to do whatever they so desire. Sexual orientation really isn't a factor for me. If the old guy/gal and young guy/gal each have what the other wants and want to make a trade, what's the problem?
But let's not disguise it with euphemisms, huh? If it's just a date, then it's called "escort." If it involves any sort of sexual act, then it's "prostitution."
Both of which are fine with me.
eastofeden Wrote:I thought of something when I was reading this...especially about the "sad" part and I thought I might share something to give it a bit more flavor because sad was the last thing I felt and the last thing he felt. When I was in my mid afternoon an extremely hot man in his early 30s walked in the bar right after I opened...he ran out of money gambling at the card club across the street and wanted back in the game. He was married with six kids and asked me if there was anything he could do to make a few bucks to get back in the first I didn't catch on...but he led the conversation and offered me a BJ for 10.00 and then I got it:biggrin: I told him...nah...I don't like oral sex but if he let me f*ck hm I might consider it...he replied...NOT FOR 10.00! and I just grinned as I was only half serious...a few minutes passed after he was trying unsuccessfully to negotiate and finally he agreed to my terms which kinda surprised me but I was turned on sorta I did it. ...and I was shocked at how much I liked it...and here comes the other angle and another side to the sad/no love aspect...
I was a good looking and very physically fit dude with alot of options and boyfriends at the time and I certainly didn't have to pay for sex but what I realized I got off on was that I didn't have to deal with the love aspect of it all and the small talk which always made me uncomfortable anyway....Tina Turner got it right when she asked whats love got to do with it? (at least sometimes:biggrin
After he bent over the barstool and I climaxed I pulled out and he asked me to do it again so he could climax too and I was not very nice about it ...I told him it was my money and my rules and I was done and besides I didn't want to get caught as the bar was open....but if he came back next week I would accommodate him...and he did come back and I did accommodate him ...maybe 5-6 more times:biggrin:. He then wanted to spend the night with me...for kinda ruined it. Oh was fun while it lasted.
Just wanted to add a different spin to the conversation
i think that completely depends on what aspects of the story you focus on, there are many aspects which could be considered as 'sad'
1) He was married
2) He has 6 children
3) He done it to feed a gambling habbit
That alone in my opinion is very sad, he cheated on his wife, which in my opinion is completely wrong, he has 6 children to think about aswell. Imagine if his wife finds out, they split up, its not just their lives, its the childrens that will be affected aswell. The fact he was willing to risk all of this just for £10 so he could continue to gamble would suggest to me he has serious gambling issues.
I supose every story has 2 sides, you focused on the positive sides and the fact you both enjoyed it, and i focused on the negative sides and the fact the part of the story i heard just crys out how much he needed some help.
I think the prostitution industry just allows often young, vulnerable people to be taken advantage of. Yes they are consenting, but i doubt a lot of them enjoy it, and i know for a fact the majority of them are terrified of what will happen to them. People dont become a prostitute because it seems like a 'nice job', there is often a deep and dark reason behind it, these people often need helping out, but instead once again they are left open for society to take advantage of them. You will find a lot are homeless, drug users etc which again makes it all very sad, and in my eyes is just taking advantage of vulnerable people.
I know my opinion is not shared by the majority of people on here, but it is just my opinion, i hope you will be able to see where i am coming from
Daniel6 Wrote:I would pick d)
I don't find this idea disgusting or offensive.
Paying for sex is just great as long as both parties are fine with it.
There are boys out there who are very poor and have to struggle to support their family and/or themselves. In that case, older men who are willing to pay for sex are like more than great.
I am very much into older guys. But since I am not very poor, I would choose to go with the guys I am into. If he offers drinking money, I wouldn't refuse . Who doesn't want a free lunch lol.
How? do you not think that it would be better to look for a long term solution to the problem rather than short term? there are thousands of prostitutes who get killed every year, not every 'customer' if you can even call them that are a genuine person who just wants sex, some are out there purely to harm these people! i dont see how that risk can be seen as great!
I think its a vicious circle, people get sucked in to the industry and then its a downwards spiral from there.
In my opinion (once again :p) i would never want to be with someone who thinks that love can be bought, i get the feeling a lot of people under value love now, i really think i was born in the wrong decade! i should not be a 90's child!
Lee Wrote:i think that completely depends on what aspects of the story you focus on, there are many aspects which could be considered as 'sad'
1) He was married
2) He has 6 children
3) He done it to feed a gambling habbit
That alone in my opinion is very sad, he cheated on his wife, which in my opinion is completely wrong, he has 6 children to think about aswell. Imagine if his wife finds out, they split up, its not just their lives, its the childrens that will be affected aswell. The fact he was willing to risk all of this just for £10 so he could continue to gamble would suggest to me he has serious gambling issues.
I supose every story has 2 sides, you focused on the positive sides and the fact you both enjoyed it, and i focused on the negative sides and the fact the part of the story i heard just crys out how much he needed some help.
I think the prostitution industry just allows often young, vulnerable people to be taken advantage of. Yes they are consenting, but i doubt a lot of them enjoy it, and i know for a fact the majority of them are terrified of what will happen to them. People dont become a prostitute because it seems like a 'nice job', there is often a deep and dark reason behind it, these people often need helping out, but instead once again they are left open for society to take advantage of them. You will find a lot are homeless, drug users etc which again makes it all very sad, and in my eyes is just taking advantage of vulnerable people.
I know my opinion is not shared by the majority of people on here, but it is just my opinion, i hope you will be able to see where i am coming from
I have no problem with your having a different opinion. You failed to see the obvious though...the guy was gay but didn't know how to go about having sex with a man as he couldnt' find a way to come to terms with it so he justified it with the $$$ gave him an "excuse".
In my opinion...equating love and sex as the same thing has screwed up alot of people and broken up alot of otherwise good marraiges and relationships...caused alot of unecessary pain. That is why I have never promised to be faithful to anyone nor will I allow anyone to promise that to me...I instead promise to be honest and expect the same. I don't want to own anyone's body or mind or soul and I don't want anyone owning mine either...I have zero tolerance for jealousy.
When my lover had other experiences I only had one question...was it fun? I understand that alot of people...most people...have a different opinion but I figure I have one life to live and so does my partner and I want him to be with me ONLY because he WANTS to...and I know he loves me and I know I love him...monogamy doesn't add anything to the relationship and sex with or without love can be fun and fulfilling. I think it sucks that so many people are in anguish because they love someone but are attracted to other people...I say celebrate your life instead of wringing your hands in fear and guilt and shame...boggles my mind really that so many people find this accpetbale.
As it turns out...we are both monogamous and have been for the bulk of our relationship but tomorrow is another day and you never know what will unfold...if you have honesty and a free mind it is much easier to go through life IMO....I have no use for shame or guilt or fear and forcing someone into "ownership" really belongs in the middle ages and THAT is what I find sad. I have almost 25 years now in my relationship and we both love each other very much so my philosophy has worked out quite nicely for me.
In my opinion saying "a bit of drinking money" i would say:
b) Is not for you, but not a problem
However if it was a sorta life or death thing and i NEEDED money for something that really was a huge issue, then possibly, however i would expect a little more than a little drinking money in return haha xD
eastofeden Wrote:... In my opinion...equating love and sex as the same thing has screwed up alot of people and broken up alot of otherwise good marraiges and relationships...caused alot of unecessary pain. ... I agree. Although my ex's attitudes and behaviour actually made things possible when it came to the crunch and I found myself with no other course of action than to leave. Although the marriage was never "good" I could have endured for longer had it not been an abusive situation. There was another avenue, but I hadn't quite reached that level and I had just enough strength left not to go there.
I have no problem with it but I wouldnt meet a older guy money or not for just sex.
My partner is 18 years older than me, im 32 my partner is 50 and I dont see age as a problem. Age is immaterial when you find someone you click with.
sometimes, older gays are better than younger gays
and I used to be in a relationship with an older gay
he was cool, but the reason I broke with him was I was afraid that he would think that I loved him becuz of his money. CUZ he paid for me alot
and I dont like it...
I mean if he paid for me too much, someday it would turn in the bad way cuz he would never feel my real love without possessions from him...