So you think that could work even though I've had it for so long? and it's severe, not like 1 or 2. :/
Anon, you say it cant be fixed - has a skin specialist told you this? It doesnt sound like something that couldnt be fixed, or at least improved.
You've had some good advice. Sounds like you need to go to GP and if he can't fix it to a dermatologist. I have skin problems in the summer - it gets very hot here. E45 cream sorts me out and can be got from the chemist over the counter (no prescription). It may be worth a try. I can't get it here in Spain but Gibraltar is only an hour's drive. I find if I scratch my problem gets much worse. Your problem could be stress-related too. Stress (exams, interviews, relationship problems) frequently gives me skin problems.
I, too, battle with a skin problem. I became quite down when I kept going back to the doctor over two or three years and he would try some new treatment that didn't work. Eventually I saw a different doctor in the practice and he decided to refer me to the consultant dermatologist at the local hospital. She was wonderful, very kind and very clear when she explained that I had a mixture of acne rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. I burst into tears when she told me she could clear me up.
GPs may be brilliant diagnosticians, or not, but they are unlikely to be specialists in skin complaints beyond the everyday. See if you can get a referral.
Very best of luck to you. Skin problems can be very depressing.
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I wonder if i should see a dermotoligist For my ezema?:confused: I always get a cream perscribed by my GP which doesn't do anything......
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Explain to him about it, he should understand. I think if you didn't tell him and he just found out when your clothes came off it would be a little freaky. Tell him about it and how much you've struggled to get rid of it. If he's the one for you then he'll understand.