07-23-2010, 10:44 AM
fredv3b Wrote:I am sure it won't move on to organ donation. There are people dying for want of a donor organ, there aren't people dying for lack of a blood transfusion.
But there is a shortage of blood, and how long is it before you cant give blood if you have ever took a breath? There is one blood type that can be put into any person, and they wont reject it, thats blood group O (think rhesus negative, cant really remember, my bad :redface

And i dont see the difference between a blood transfusion and organ donation, if the donor had HIV the recipient would contract it in both cases. And the majority of gay men dont have HIV, i think the rule is completely out dated! If i was dying, needed a blood transfusion, i really wouldnt care if it came from a heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or even a person with pink or purple spots! its all screened at the end of the day! yes its not 100% fool proof, but there is a chance that a straight persons blood could contain the HIV virus!