Here is my Flickr account, where you can see some of the photographs I have taken.
Flickr: -King David Photography-'s Photostream
Critique, please!
I'm a fan of using negative spaces alongside models, the only editing I do is usually either cropping and increasing contrasts, unless I want a specific tone to it that cannot be achieved with a camera.
(Tip; go back to the earlier photos for more variation, recent ones have been comparitively dull.)
Great photos.
Can i ask, what camera do you use?
I've just started getting into photography. I'm not very good yet, but learning all the time.
On particularly the photo of the girl in the dark tshirt in the rain, how did you get the background so out of focus compared to the girl so she stands out so much?
It's a Nikon D80, so that should half-answer your question 
First, I went to this place with rich, green colours, so that automatically against her actually quite dull red slogan on her t-shirt a certain contrast was achieved. I put it on manual and brought both the aperture and shutter speed a bit lower than default to create a slightly more "brilliant" effect with the light. I then increased the contrast by a slight, slight amount.
I was CRRRRRRRAP when I first started around 2 years ago. Just keep doing it.
And thank you. :3
Theyre awesome  Well done
Brilliant pictures , i really like your work , you have a great tallent my friend
I love those photos. I like taking photos too but my main interest is hill-walking, so I go more for landscape and I have to be honest and say that my photos are usually taken fairly quickly and then modified at home, because the walk (just being there and experiencing the feeling of it) is the main interest for me. Why do you prefer not to use Photoshop/Gimp (I use Gimp) too much?
Great photomisms!! What is a "negative space"?
I love photography - in fact, if you are open to collabs, I might ask for your help!
Oh my gollies I J'ADORE THIS ONE!!!!
The colouring is delicious!!!!
And. far be it for me to speak for someone else, but I think the reason DJM prefers not to edit photos digitally is that...he is an artist, and thus prefers to get his photos as close to perfect as possible in the first instance. For me, if I were a an artist-photographer, it would feel like I was cheating if I took photos and then edited them to be something else afterwards - I would aim to capture what I wanted my photos to be at the first stage. However, that is just me, DJM may feel differently.
Not to be taken the wrong way, Peter, but by the sounds of it, you are not a photographer in the artistic sense, instead you like to capture magic moments during your experience  unless I am wrong.
rsconceptions Wrote:Great photomisms!! What is a "negative space"?
I love photography - in fact, if you are open to collabs, I might ask for your help!
Oh my gollies I J'ADORE THIS ONE!!!!
on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
The colouring is delicious!!!!
And. far be it for me to speak for someone else, but I think the reason DJM prefers not to edit photos digitally is that...he is an artist, and thus prefers to get his photos as close to perfect as possible in the first instance. For me, if I were a an artist-photographer, it would feel like I was cheating if I took photos and then edited them to be something else afterwards - I would aim to capture what I wanted my photos to be at the first stage. However, that is just me, DJM may feel differently.
Not to be taken the wrong way, Peter, but by the sounds of it, you are not a photographer in the artistic sense, instead you like to capture magic moments during your experience unless I am wrong.
Thank you!
I took that particular photo in weirrrd lighting conditions, 'twas quite dark, but I liked the effect of how what little light there was hit behind their heads. I cropped that photograph and increased the contrast by a slight amount, as usual.
I have an equal amount of respect for people who edit largely (just as long as they do it well!), I see it more so as digital art rather than classical photography. I can see why people think it would be cheating, but to be honest, photographers from 50 years ago with film would look at my digital camera and scoff, saying that I am lazy! And indeed in turn the very first photographers could call them lazy, as in the dawn of photography a single photograph took ten minutes to take! :3
A negative space is a term I have coined for spaces within the photograph that are large and featureless apart from simple colours. For example, a lot of my photos are filled with a space that is largely devoid of detail, and has the subject off-centre. Some photographers don't like this, as they feel it detracts from the subject, but I actually think it accentuates the subject, and makes the photo visually more dynamic than a simple portrait shot.
Yeah I know what you are talking re: negative spaces - I wondered if that is what you meant. My friend is getting into photography and I was describing to him this style of art. I think it is wonderful - photos like this are really powerful and compelling. Completely makes the SUBJECT of the photo standout, and because of this the featureless background also stands out in its own way...but without subtracting from the main subject.
I am always seeking good photography for artwork for my music, maybe we could ...liaise
rsconceptions Wrote:Yeah I know what you are talking re: negative spaces - I wondered if that is what you meant. My friend is getting into photography and I was describing to him this style of art. I think it is wonderful - photos like this are really powerful and compelling. Completely makes the SUBJECT of the photo standout, and because of this the featureless background also stands out in its own way...but without subtracting from the main subject.
I am always seeking good photography for artwork for my music, maybe we could ...liaise 
Sounds great! I'd love to.