07-30-2010, 10:24 PM
A mere observation on my part.
In my constant study of human beings in the context of their personal beliefs, and indeed the intricate structures of religion, I can see only connections. In my own "spiritual" (though I actually prefer "existential") journey, I have tapped into these connections in the context of my own constantly forming beliefs.
Though window-dressed (sometimes to a fault, such as hypocrisy) with rituals and indeed paradoxes/contradictions, we are met with the roots of beliefs as resounding with the teachings of the preservation of humanity, and indeed the Earth it inhabits. A twist on evolution and survival of the fittest if you will, with a bit of abstraction for open-minded measure.
What I think (and indeed, thinking is all I'm really good for), is that we are past the division of the spiritual and the physical. We now understand things that those before us could never have comprehended about our Universe. We have stumbled like archaeologists through our discovery of this world and its laws, shedding the layers bit by bit. We are a part of this existence. Do we have responsibility? I think not, but in the interest of the preservation of our kind (which is in turn affected by the preservation of other kinds such as animals and plants) in the effort to survive and to further evolve, the invention of responsibility for our actions is key. All ideas are separate from reality until put forth by the extraordinary power of our minds and resolve, and society is the tool we have shaped.
I think of this Universe as a body, or even a great Man O' War (a jellyfish-like forest of different organisms comprised as a single somewhat conscious unit), and we are whatever we make ourselves to be, whether white blood cells or a poison. We are part of this living Universe, this "God(dess)", which in turn is comprised of all other things separate from us.
Tout est Dieu. All is God.
I dunno why, I just felt the need to type this out right now. Might as well share it with all of you I guess.
In my constant study of human beings in the context of their personal beliefs, and indeed the intricate structures of religion, I can see only connections. In my own "spiritual" (though I actually prefer "existential") journey, I have tapped into these connections in the context of my own constantly forming beliefs.
Though window-dressed (sometimes to a fault, such as hypocrisy) with rituals and indeed paradoxes/contradictions, we are met with the roots of beliefs as resounding with the teachings of the preservation of humanity, and indeed the Earth it inhabits. A twist on evolution and survival of the fittest if you will, with a bit of abstraction for open-minded measure.
What I think (and indeed, thinking is all I'm really good for), is that we are past the division of the spiritual and the physical. We now understand things that those before us could never have comprehended about our Universe. We have stumbled like archaeologists through our discovery of this world and its laws, shedding the layers bit by bit. We are a part of this existence. Do we have responsibility? I think not, but in the interest of the preservation of our kind (which is in turn affected by the preservation of other kinds such as animals and plants) in the effort to survive and to further evolve, the invention of responsibility for our actions is key. All ideas are separate from reality until put forth by the extraordinary power of our minds and resolve, and society is the tool we have shaped.
I think of this Universe as a body, or even a great Man O' War (a jellyfish-like forest of different organisms comprised as a single somewhat conscious unit), and we are whatever we make ourselves to be, whether white blood cells or a poison. We are part of this living Universe, this "God(dess)", which in turn is comprised of all other things separate from us.
Tout est Dieu. All is God.
I dunno why, I just felt the need to type this out right now. Might as well share it with all of you I guess.