10-05-2010, 05:37 PM
It sadly didn't go to well. I'm gonna quote myself about this issue I presented on another board. I have edited out a name for his protection.
Then here's the result...
A response to one of the member's posts...
So what do you think about this?
My old username I can't reveal Wrote:Now I'm going to come out to my parents sometime tonight... so what should I expect? Yeah I also need some advice on how I'm gonna approach it. I'm pretty sure my mom is not gonna mind. But... then there's my dad who is pretty homophobic. Now is this unusual... I've thought I was straight the whole time and for a long time. I never heard of someone well into their 20's just discovering this. Now let me explain to you how <censored> and I became partners.
Pretty much, I have come out to you all now as you read this. Now here's what happened. Ok, so as I said in <censored>'s latest thread... I'm his partner. First of all, it's a pretty long story on how we became partners so I'm gonna try to make it not that long. I met him at another forum. Don't wanna bother mentioning it, but I think he might of mentioned it here once or so. First of all, according to him... I never really liked him. I considered him my best friend over a year ago. I had feelings for him and there were hints of me getting into a relationship. That's when I found out that I was gay. Now before that, I only had a couple crushes on two guys when I was in junior high school.
So anyway, it wasn't until March 23, 2008 when I PMed him over at another forum (not the one we met on, but a better one) and I wrote in that PM that we should get into a relationship. At first I was really skeptical that it would work and well it's been the most successful relationship I've ever been in my life. I had other girlfriends (mostly online ones) and only 2 girlfriends I had in person.
This is quite amazing really. My partner is the only guy I am totally attracted to. So I dunno I consider myself gay... yet I'm STILL mostly attracted towards the opposite sex. Guys really don't attract me at all. However I know what my partner looks like from pics I've seen of him and I totally dig him. I love him more than anything in the world. So hmm... yeah I must be one in a few guys like this. I know I can't be bi, cos then I would into guys as much as I'm into girls. So I'll just consider myself gay... since I lost interest in girls. But yet I'm still attracted to 'em and I really can't help that.
So yeah there you have it. I pretty much joined this forum while I thought I was straight and well my best friend who would become my partner told me to join. See I was never homophobic at all (many years ago before I learned about homophobia I was) and so I joined. It feels great being gay and now being here means a lot more now that I am gay.
Then here's the result...
My old username I can't reveal Wrote:Ok... I came out. I only came out to my mom and didn't go very well... she doesn't believe me at all. She called me an asshole and thought I was stupid. And she wants me to stop talking to my partner. I will never ever stop talking to him, I love him with all my heart. Why does she think I'm joking? I was expecting her to say "great news" or something. But all I got was that I'm an asshole and she thinks I'm messing around. What should I do? I must explain to her that my partner is the true love of my life.
A response to one of the member's posts...
My old username I can't reveal Wrote:Yeah, I'm really in tough situation with my parents right now. Mostly my mom... she still thinks that I want a girlfriend. NO, I do not and I never will. As for meeting someone, no I won't do that... I'm not going to do that at all. I really don't know what to do. I'm trying to explain to her and nothing is working! She tells me to drop it and she doesn't want to hear anything more about it. So what should do I? I have no idea what to do.
So what do you think about this?