definitely! a friend of mine went and she said it was off the hook, some places you can go to dive and an expert will dive with you and videotape you and take pictures (which come out reall funnyyy) i would love to have the experience myself
My sweetheart also forgot negociating the platform of the Empire State Building and yet I have photos to prove that he was there.... up 380 meters or so... (multiply by three for feet)... and he even took a peak over the parapet...
Something for FEAR FACTOR buffs?
Its a part of my job and I do it most days and if I can do it then anyone can lol.
No I bloody wouldn't!
Ex III suggested I do a bunji jump in aid of Guide Dogs For The Blind (Oh the irony!!!) I wonder if I would have raised enough to get my self one!
I do have a fear of heights though my fear of heights has almost subsided. If I do go skydiving, I may get over that fear completely.
You make some interesting threads, Cutie ^_^
I'd probably be all "hell yeah" until I was actually up there in a buzzing aeroplane with a parachute on my back... I guess it would be worth it though, face your fear and all.