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Amsterdam is the Gay-bashing Capital of Europe
Now, here is some really chilling news that connects with something I mentioned earlier on in another thread. While we celebrate the freedoms that we enjoy in the UK this report from the Toronto Sun points out that far from being an outstanding example of tolerance and the success of multi-cultural liberalism in Europe Amsterdam has seen an increase in the number gay-hate crimes. The report equates these with the sudden increase in the numbers of Turks and North Africans bringing with them religious and cultural ideas that seem to give them license to undermine everything the Dutch have worked for over the years. The report claims that sharia law is ruling the streets.

Quote:If you doubt it, then you haven’t been paying attention. Actually, that’s not fair. Gay-bashing is front-page news only when it’s committed by a straight, white male.

The media is terribly uncomfortable writing about gay-bashing by minorities. It’s the same reason why Canadian feminists are so eerily quiet about honour killings of Muslim girls.

According to an “offender study” by the University of Amsterdam, there were 201 reports of anti-gay violence in that city in 2007 — and researchers believe for every reported case there are as many as 25 unreported ones. Two thirds of the predators are Muslim youths.

The violence couldn’t be more brazen. It’s not in the back alleys in the dark, it’s in the heart of the city, often in broad daylight. It’s a direct dare to the Dutch government to show who rules the streets.

In 2008, 10 Muslim youths broke into a fashion show, dragged gay model Michael du Pree off the stage and beat him bloody. Last month, several lesbians were hit by beer bottles thrown at their heads as they marched in a parade of thousands to protest violence against gays. There’s a gay community centre in Amsterdam — you’d think that would be safe. Wrong. It’s a target, with home-invasion style beatings. No one is immune. Last year Hugo Braakhuis, the founder of Amdsterdam’s gay pride parade, was attacked.

In 2005, Chris Crain, former editor of America’s leading gay magazine, Washington Blade, was swarmed by seven Moroccan youths. “I was really surprised,” Crain told reporters at the time. “I felt comfortable because it is San Francisco times 10.” Or it used to be.

If this kind of criminal behaviour can take root in Amsterdam I fear it could happen anywhere. I have often been confused by the amount of venom directed at people like Pim Fortuyn, Theo van Gogh and more recently Geert Wilders. The first two were murdered, Fortuyn for speaking his mind and raising questions, Van Gogh for making a film about Islam's treatment of women. Wilders, I believe is still banned from entering the UK because of his outspoken stance on Islam.

For several years now, the United Nations has passed a series of resolutions aimed at restricting freedom of speech in an attempt to promote respect for all religions and beliefs. According to Wiki:
Quote:In March 2010, Pakistan again brought forward a resolution entitled "Combating defamation of religions" on behalf of the OIC.[2]

The resolution received much criticism. French ambassador Jean-Baptiste Mattei, speaking on behalf of the European Union, argued that the "concept of defamation should not fall under the remit of human rights because it conflicted with the right to freedom of expression."[2] Eileen Donahoe, the US ambassador, also rejected the resolution. She said, "We cannot agree that prohibiting speech is the way to promote tolerance, because we continue to see the 'defamation of religions' concept used to justify censorship, criminalisation, and in some cases violent assaults and deaths of political, racial, and religious minorities around the world."[2]

The UNHRC passed the resolution on 25 March 2010 with 20 members voting in favour; 17 members voting against; 8 abstaining; and 2 absent.[44]

I must admit to being terribly conflicted about a lot of these issues, but I feel there is reason to stay on our guard.

I have always dreamed of moving out of America to get away from all the ignorance and hate and such but now after this I see that there is no place I could go that is free of hate.
Amsterdam is where I was planning on moving eventually when I could afford it, it would still be better than living here but I wasn't aware that this was going on.

I haven't been to Amsterdam for about ten years. Could it really have changed so much in such a short time? Sure, one had to be careful before, but I never heard of stuff like this happening. Of course, those of you familiar with Holland will know that Amsterdam is very different from everywhere else around the country. Let's hope this primitive behaviour doesn't catch on nationally. It's tragic enough already :mad:

Does these new events prove that there is a real threat to us from Islam, at least there is from religious fanatics. Even the Dutch government is scared and concerned about Islam, is Europe to be the next battlefield in the war against freedom.

Dutch member of Parliament Geert Wilders is on trial in the Netherlands for "incitement to hatred and discrimination." His crime was daring to criticize Islam.

Mr. Wilders is the head of the Party for Freedom, the third-largest political party in the Netherlands and part of a new Dutch coalition government. The party platform is blatantly nationalistic, seeking immigration controls and other restrictions on the Netherlands' non-native population, particularly the country's 850,000 Muslims who hail largely from Turkey and Morocco. "We have to stop the tsunami of Islamization," says Mr. Wilders. "It is affecting our heart, our identity, our culture."

Strong words but is he right, also will the Catholic church allow the Islamic invasion to happen.

The next major war will be a holy war, and we will all be dragged into it. War clouds are not far away, each day we take a step nearer.

What concerns me alot is how many of my fellow liberals in the US here have no problem pointing out the crimes of Christianity and vehemently protest actions from Christians but when it comes to Islam this strange political correctness creeps in...I find it very annoying.

We have experienced the same in the UK, EofE. This has resulted in some very odd alliances along the lines you describe.

Rychard the Lionheart Wrote:Does these new events prove that there is a real threat to us from Islam, at least there is from religious fanatics. Even the Dutch government is scared and concerned about Islam, is Europe to be the next battlefield in the war against freedom.

Dutch member of Parliament Geert Wilders is on trial in the Netherlands for "incitement to hatred and discrimination." His crime was daring to criticize Islam.

Mr. Wilders is the head of the Party for Freedom, the third-largest political party in the Netherlands and part of a new Dutch coalition government. The party platform is blatantly nationalistic, seeking immigration controls and other restrictions on the Netherlands' non-native population, particularly the country's 850,000 Muslims who hail largely from Turkey and Morocco. "We have to stop the tsunami of Islamization," says Mr. Wilders. "It is affecting our heart, our identity, our culture."

Strong words but is he right, also will the Catholic church allow the Islamic invasion to happen.

The next major war will be a holy war, and we will all be dragged into it. War clouds are not far away, each day we take a step nearer.

Yes. But I don't know if I should elaborate it for the sake of my own safety. But let just we've been fed and nurtured to despise certain things since we were little kids. To make it worse, it doesn't stop even after you have become adult. You will be reminded to hate these things again and again in almost every week, every year till the day you die.

In my experience, most people just nodded their heads when they being taught on what to hate and what to despise. Whilst others nodded their heads, I spent my time forming a WTF expression on my face towards the preacher. I asked myself, "What ever happened to common sense? All these do not make sense at all."

Jay Wrote:Yes. But I don't know if I should elaborate it for the sake of my own safety. But let just we've been fed and nurtured to despise certain things since we were little kids. To make it worse, it doesn't stop even after you have become adult. You will be reminded to hate these things again and again in almost every week, every year till the day you die.

In my experience, most people just nodded their heads when they being taught on what to hate and what to despise. Whilst others nodded their heads, I spent my time forming a WTF expression on my face towards the preacher. I asked myself, "What ever happened to common sense? All these do not make sense at all."
Jay, I for one desperately want to understand what is going on. I am pleased you felt able to question. Thinking is a commodity not readily encouraged these days.

If you had to listen to stuff like this all your life it would no doubt be damaging. What I don't know is whether this is typical rhetoric, how the video has been edited to present a Christian view of extreme Islamism or to what degree the translations are accurate. I would welcome discussion on this with someone who has more understanding than I have.


Okay that was extreme. Extreme Islamism does exist and still widely practice in certain middle east countries.

Mine was tamer but still damaging. I've heard things that have made my skin crawl but still tamer than the one in the video.

I think the reason why ours is not as extreme as the video is because we live in a more liberal and modern country. Religious yes, but still liberal as Malaysia has three main religions (Islam, Buddhist, Hindu) with multiple races. I think that helps a lot in neutralizing the PH of Islam in my country from going extreme.

We were only taught the foundation. Some of them include:

Yellow Culture

When I was in primary school and high school, I was taught about 'Yellow Culture'. "Yellow" refers to the western people. So "Yellow Culture" basically means "Western Culture." Basically the western only brings negativity and bad influences to our innocent-virgin-like country. It's 2010 now, I think most people have forgotten and ignored this teaching.

X Country is Evil

X Country is extremely evil and its people are our enemies. We were taught about this since we were kids. We are constantly reminded about this even after we have become adult. Again, in almost every week and every year.

Homosexuality is a Sin

I think this one is typical for almost every religion. But certain Islamic countries take it to the extreme. Stoning to death, prison time and hang to death still being practiced in certain countries.

Malaysia by law, condemns homosexuality but the practice of this sex orientation cannot be stopped as this country has progressed into a very modern and urban country.

There are people in my country who condemn homosexuality and there are also people who support it. Obviously most Muslims and other folks from different races that hold strongly to their religions and cultures oppose homosexuality.

It should be fine to be gay in Malaysia as long as you who know who your clicks are and do not exhibit it openly (Unless you are in the most urban district of the country. I saw two guys (Asian and Western. Non Muslims) holding hands whilst window shopping few months ago. They have guts.).


I still remember this one Islamic class that I had to attend when I was in high school. My teacher discussed about the laws and the rules that were practiced and administrated by our prophets. If you steal something, you hand will be chopped off. If you continue to steal again, your other hand will be cut off. Stoning to death for adultery. And more punishments that I can no longer remember.

She ended the lesson with, "If we practice these laws nowadays, there will be zero crime." She smiled.

It was a very discomforting lesson to say the least.

Quote:The report equates these with the sudden increase in the numbers of Turks and North Africans bringing with them religious and cultural ideas that seem to give them license to undermine everything the Dutch have worked for over the years. The report claims that sharia law is ruling the streets.

I saw this one coming. I welcome European countries to be opened, liberal and friendly to outsiders but you guys need to be extra careful and picky in selecting people who want to migrate to your countries. I don't know how but it needs to be done for the safety of your own people. Or maybe expel the ones making problem in your countries.

Personally, I'm sorry but I always disagree with the idea of building mosques in European countries. This is one of the reasons why.


There are many factors that contribute in making one Islamic country more extreme than other Islamic countries.

I believe denominations play an important role in shaping an Islam country. Islam has a lot of branches (and also sub branches) within it. It's pretty much like how Christians has Catholic, Protestant etc. Each branch has its own way of teaching and administrating Islam.

Now blend that with the politic, administration, laws, cultures, economy and environment of that particular Islam country. The result will determine how extreme that country can be

I believe denominations play an important role in shaping an Islam country. Islam has a lot of branches (and also sub branches) within it. It's pretty much like how Christians has Catholic, Protestant etc. Each branch has its own way of teaching and administrating Islam.

Thanks for taking the time to explain Jay...it helps alot. I have a terrible time understanding any religion really but I rarely hear anything from Muslim individuals or groups that helps me personally come to terms with Islam...what I usually hear is that it is the religion of peace and for the life of me I cannot reconcile that at all...until maybe now with your statement above..

...I know a wonderful Muslim lady here in the US from message boards who is very liberal and I have had a hard time understanding how this can be...which is why I thank you for explaining this because now it makes alot more sense.

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