10-19-2010, 10:31 PM
This is classic. Some people will stoop very low indeed to get the "evidence" for their pet theories - specially when it comes to us :mad:
Box Turtle Bulletin » “Children of Homosexuals” Researcher More Apt To Ape Paul Cameron
Quote:There’s a study out that’s causing quite a stir. It’s by Walter R. Schumm, a professor Kansas State University whose paper has appeared in latest issue of the Journal of Biosocial Science. (JBS was formerly The Eugenics Review from 1909 to 1968, at which time the Eugenics Society changed its journal’s name.) Schumm’s paper, titled “Children of homosexuals more apt to be homosexuals: A reply to Morrison and to Cameron based on an examination of multiple sources of data,” essentially picks up where a very similar 2006 paper by Paul Cameron left off, which claimed that 33% to 47% of children of gay parents wound up being gay. Schumm’s paper claims that children of gay parents were 1.7 to 12.1 times as likely to become gay as children of straight parents, “depending on the mix of child and parent genders.” The implication behind Schumm’s paper, as it was with Cameron’s, is that gay parenting can somehow influence a child’s sexuality, with the implication that homosexuality itself is not biological but determined according to how a child is raised.However, what Professor Schumm fails to point out is that his so-called meta-data are gathered not from professional journals, as might be expected, but popular books describing the lives of kids who were growing up in families with same-sex parents!
Box Turtle Bulletin » “Children of Homosexuals” Researcher More Apt To Ape Paul Cameron