Hello and

to GaySpeak, Mr Hide.... I'd like to think that there are two sides to the word "hide", one being keeping things secret and secretive and the other being SKIN, although generally a tough kind of skin.
I guess we could help you to become what you've been dying to be over all these years. Things are beginning to burgeon probably and now you are a butterfly ready to get out of that chrysalid state. My questions would be:
* How good a relationship do you have with your wife?
* Are you completely estranged from her now?
* Do you have any children?
All these need to be taken into consideration.
While I wouldn't advocate going out to meet another man and having sex with him (or making love to him, as you may want to call it) straight away, I'm afraid it will take some stealth or great courage to come to a new place where you can be who you need to be. A divorce might be a way of looking at it.
You've done one of the hardest things so far and that is admitting it to YOURSELF that you are gay. How did you find out? What made it happen??? Have you found yourself falling in love with another man secretly?
Please give us your news, and we'll see how we can help you through this terrifying and rather awkward stage of life.... some may think it's just a mid life crisis. Those of us who've been through it at roughly the same age know it's
not. So let's see if we can help you shed that old HIDE and start life anew in a new skin.