Nintendo 64 is my favorite system of


mile:ALL TIME!!


Now keep in mind, I only have an Xbox, which I got like three years ago some six years after the fact, and I only got my N64 in '03 when it came out in '95, so I tend to be behind in game systems.
For nearly five years of my life, N64 was my relaxation system. I don't even want to know how many hours I spent on there. But GoldenEye and Perfect Dark will be always be the best games EVER!! (or at least for console systems..)
Also, don't mean to brag and all that, but this is an N64 thread so I can't help it (well I can, but I'm not going to *grins*). I just happen to have one of the golden systems. I believe the made about 600 gold systems, 17000 purple systems, and the rest were black or gray. I also have two gold controllers. Sorry, just had to brag. It's not my most treasured item, but it's up there. It still works, though I have packed it away because I cannot have it and and not play obsessively....even now. My Xbox is out in my room and I never play it because I never want to even with it right there hooked up to the TV, but the N64........nah, it had to go away.
p.s. I am not dead mates, just an occasional poster *grins*