you like the xbox's, playstations, or wii ds gameboys ect? what compeny do you think is on top right now?
i loveeee all of them but i think nintendos on top right now
I like Nintendo stuff. Sony is cool. I still play my PS2.
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Joined: May 2009
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
I've never liked Sony as a whole.
Their products tend to be over priced just because their name's on it and they seem to be...very corporate and...full of themselves? because of it.
But maybe i'm just being silly :redface:
Don't get me wrong, i got a PS1 and PS2. Its just a vibe i get from the company.
I like Nintendo. Shame about how casual they are now. But their core games series are still great for the most part.
As for Microsoft. I'm really not bothered. Theres nothing to hate or like about them apart from the fact i do like Xbox Live as a place for demos, videos, chat and arcade games. ,As for its actual populace when playing online...not so much...
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
ahhhh time for some super geek action, well in terms of sales nintento is miles in front bringing in millions of causal gamers, but i dont much care for the wii. the superior console today is the ps3, the only reason its on top of the xbox 360 is because of the blueray disc thats hasn't been fully utilized yet and still has room to grow.
thats the super sad version of my opinion lol i you asked me what is my favourite console is the sega mega drive, just cause thats what i grew up on and i still have it :biggrin: the consoles i have are as follows, arari 2600, nes, master system, mega drive, snes, sega cd, 32x, ps1, sega saturn, n64, dreamcast, ps2 and ps3 so if you ever have any more video gaming questions feel free to ask lol. sorry about the uber-geekyness of this lol
I'm a Xbox 360 guy myself. Besides the PC, it's the only system I play games on these days.
I like alsorts of game consoles to be honest I have a wide collection of them and will reel off the following
Nes - From 1983 it is still in its original Box.. I purchased an additional one from ebay so i have 2 nes so i dont spoil the boxed one
Snes - Great little console i tend to play on it every now and then but not really that often its sitting below my TV collecting dust and being an ornament..
Nintendo 64 - Now this is the one i liked before the Wii.. I remember the days of mario kart and how excited I was as a 14 year old lad to actually give it a go and think its the bees knees..
Nintendo Wii - I love this to bits.. Its saved me so much money with the gym as i didnt need to go anymore... However when ive played Just Dance 2 with my ex in our flat I have nearly put him in hospital with a wack from the controller.. This system is by far one of the best rated consoles i could of played regardless of its interaction with other games
Playstation 1 - Greatest memory of this is playing Destruction Derby and after obtaining this console I searched the united Kingdom for a copy of this game... It took me 32 months to find them both (1 & 2) but when visiting Glasgow year before last I found both games in a cheapy shop..
Playstation 2 - Still played on alot and greatly used for grand theft auto games I havent completed or if i want to go back to the 1990's (late) and play populous the beginning..
Playstation 3 - Sitting nicely under my television in the lounge this console is brilliant for those days where ive had enough of the public and feel the sudden urge to put grand theft auto on and get my car ready to run down every fucker in me way lol.. I love this console from time to time and despite my friends all getting rings of death on their consoles... Ive got lucky and never got it
Xbox - Have had a fantastic time but now sadly packed away in my little cubby hole at the back of my lounge waiting for 2015 when i move from this flat and convert my new home into a gamers paradise in one room...
Xbox 360 - Best game on this console has been by far fable 2... Nothing better than cutting up monsters and flirting with the men in jnearby towns and villages... Own the monopolis of the overall game and when you need a bed for a quick shag.. Kick the tenants out and take over...
Mega drive (16bit 32bit) - Both consoles I own and remember regually playing on this.. Loved Dungeons and dragons despite the 2d grahpics of spiders freaked me out.. I remember one night when playing this our house was struck by lightnening and next thing i know 50,000 volts later my little cartridge had crashed and when i reset the game i had invincibility mode and it was brilliant... Nasty bastard spiders didnt kill me no more..
psp - Used to own one but found them very crap
Sega Dreamcast - I only ever played one game on this despite the whole company being a flop... CRAZY TAXI yay!
I still own all my consoles except the psp
Kindest regards
zeon x
I definitely prefer microsoft. Wouldn't know what to do without my xbox lol
lol bless ya... I never rated fighting games or football games on any console... Probably because they never interested me