Wahh, you guys are super friendly.. and really, from what I can see, this is a fantastic community..
~D5~ Wrote:welcome to the forums dude, I like your ava.
Thank you ^_^ It is Takeru (or TK) from Digimon.. one of me fave cartoons in high school xD
Rychard the Lionheart Wrote:Hi Joel and welcome to GS.
Thanks Rychard!
TimmyThink Wrote:Welcome to GS Joel.
what game were you addicted to.
Cheers.. Welp, originally Flyff, did that one for a year or so.. then moved onto Angels Online.. and had played there for about two years.. I like to stay off the beaten track (eg. World of Warcraft, Guildwars).. because I like my cutesy fantasy anime type ones. I want a cute character, not a manly/gruff character

and you?
DarkDaisuke Wrote:Welcome to GS
Gamer here 
Fantastic, what's your poison?
Cutieboy Wrote:Hey there Joel! I happen to have a friend named Joel, except he's straight, 3 years older than you and he has a girlfriend. There's other people from your continent and I have talked to a couple of 'em here.
Hello.. good name..

I hope they aren't giving aussies a bad name..
Genersis Wrote:Welcome!:biggrin:
Sorry to hear about your relationship troubles. :frown:
But if you ever want advice on ANYTHING this is the place to be!:biggrin
Well more or less anything.....)
Enjoy your time here!
Hello.. appreciate your sorries..

I think that.. I am young, he is young, we are both stubborn, head-strong, but underneath it all we truly want to be together. We constantly go through a vicious cycle from ecstacy and joy to anger, frustration and insults.. it's.. volatile. I make excuses like 'oh, we're young, it'll pass'.. but I dunno if such excuses will worsen the issue.. I have made contact with some local same-sex friendly relationship counsellors lately, we are both keen on making things better for the two of so we shall see what comes of it