11-17-2010, 11:22 PM
Hey there. My name is Jerred from Edmonton, Canada. As of this year (2nd year of university) I am pretty much all the way out of the closet. Only took me about 3 weeks. I've had a very fast pace exciting relationship for the last month or so. I'm the happiest I've been since I can remember. I am proud to own who I am as a gay university student. For the first time in my life I can be proud of who I am. I am also greatful that I live in a country where I am free to be who I am. Identity means a lot to me. I attend a Unitarian Universalist church, and take religious studies courses. Global tolerance and world peace are very important issues to me. I am thinking about being a counsellor. Because I enjoy investing myself in other people's problems and talking them through their problems. I also think I'd make an excellent counsellor because I have been through a hell of a lot in these first 18 years. More about that in future posts, I'm sure.
I chose the username FreakBitch because I accept Stephanie "Lady Gaga" Germanotti as my queen. Everything that she stands for behind her music regarding the frequent lyric "freak bitch" sum up the essence of my being. I went through the freak phase. I survived. And I am happy to be a freak, if that's how the world defines who I am and what I stand for.
Right now I'm reading Meaning of Matthew by Judy Shepard. It is a fantastic book that I feel I can related to on so many levels. Starting with a similar personality/interests to Matt's, similar mother, being in Logan's position as a trauma victim's brother, coming out in university, and a few other parrallels that I'm sure I have forgotten. The Westboro Baptist Church was planning on protesting at a production of the Laramie Project (a powerful play about Matthew Shepard's murder 12 years ago). They never showed this passed weekend. I was thrilled when I heard they didn't show up at the Old Strathcona theatre.
My favourite movie would have to be Good Will Hunting. Not a huge fan of Matt Damon overall but its a well written and acted movie. My favourite gay themed movie would have to be Ciao. Although I'm still inexperienced in the world of gay media.
Nice to meet you all,
I hope to make a lot of friends in this community.
I chose the username FreakBitch because I accept Stephanie "Lady Gaga" Germanotti as my queen. Everything that she stands for behind her music regarding the frequent lyric "freak bitch" sum up the essence of my being. I went through the freak phase. I survived. And I am happy to be a freak, if that's how the world defines who I am and what I stand for.
Right now I'm reading Meaning of Matthew by Judy Shepard. It is a fantastic book that I feel I can related to on so many levels. Starting with a similar personality/interests to Matt's, similar mother, being in Logan's position as a trauma victim's brother, coming out in university, and a few other parrallels that I'm sure I have forgotten. The Westboro Baptist Church was planning on protesting at a production of the Laramie Project (a powerful play about Matthew Shepard's murder 12 years ago). They never showed this passed weekend. I was thrilled when I heard they didn't show up at the Old Strathcona theatre.
My favourite movie would have to be Good Will Hunting. Not a huge fan of Matt Damon overall but its a well written and acted movie. My favourite gay themed movie would have to be Ciao. Although I'm still inexperienced in the world of gay media.
Nice to meet you all,
I hope to make a lot of friends in this community.