12-05-2010, 03:56 PM
I'm getting involved in a potential relationship with this REALLY nice guy. He's 19, though, and I'm 20. I know there's not much of a difference in age, but I still feel weird because I've always dated older guys (range of 2-5 years older than me). I guess I'm used to being the baby in the relationship. I'm just not in my comfort zone, if that makes sense. But, I don't believe that his age will stop me from dating him. He's amazing. Oh ya, and he's a top, and idk, I guess I associate that with masculinity, as I do with older guys. They're usually more mature emotionally, and settled in life more than younger guys. So, it's weird for a masculine guy to be younger to me because younger equals less masculine for me... I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm confused, lol.
Can anybody relate, or got any advice? Thanks!
Can anybody relate, or got any advice? Thanks!