12-05-2010, 07:15 PM
Well I'm new here so I figured I would make a post about it. Let’s see, um well I'm currently a full-time student in the United States Navy and I am studying to become a gunner’s mate
. So far I haven't found anyone in the Navy with non-homophobic views about homosexuals if I do end up bringing that subject up. My favorite animal is the wolf and if I could have any vehicle it would most-defiantly have to be a 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback (teal with some black stripes running down the middle). I have never had a boyfriend and probably won’t unless the Navy gets rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell and even then I'm sure my luck will bring me some jerk. I'm not really good at socializing with other people so I tend to be a little shy. I will be as open as I can be unless shit gets too personal but other than all of that I'm a pretty nice guy.