12-24-2010, 12:06 PM
To those of you who remember me, there's a reason I haven't been on much. I came out to my mom and pretty much now all of my family know. I am no longer in the closet. Its been a week and Ive been staying with his family who've let me into their home and I am eternally grateful to them. I was going to move in with my sister since it seemed my mother wasn't going to accept me anytime soon, but I'm going to try and give her a second chance while she wrestles with this. I do not believe I'm in danger but I have a feeling she's going to be stricter which I'm going to tell her ain't gonna fly with me. So yeah that's why I haven't been on lately and I will say this; coming out to my best friend who was the first person I told was WAY harder than telling my mom. Of course it was hard telling her, but the first person you tell I believe is going to have a very large impact on you and future coming outs, so if you do come out, come out to someone you completely trust and love. Good luck!