yesterday i went to my boyfriend's house and we had a fair and while that we tried having butt sex , so he got his dick into my butt hole and it srsly hurted me T~T and i screamed ouch in a quiet way and got his dick out of my butt hole.... is this supposed to happen O-O or its just me , now im fine but im just asking if this is normal or what
thanks in advance.
If you go about it like you're sinking a new mine shaft, it will hurt!
Relax, have patience, use plenty of water-based lube and take it slowly. I say water-based lubricant because anything else, like Petroleum Jelly, Hand Cream and other cosmetics can weaken latex condoms (I take it you are using condoms?) to the point where they will split and tare.
Maybe get him to to use a finger or something a little wider at first to get you used to having something up there. Something that wont disappear up there and necessitate a visit to hospital to remove it!
If you think of the average diameter of the stuff that comes out of there and the fact you manage to accommodate that without "screaming ouch in a quiet way", you should be able, given enough time and practice to manage your boyfriend without too much difficulty.
Have fun practising!
yup, it hurts. it will hurt. the only thing you need to practice? is to get used to it. i never did so i always tell my partner "look, if you wanna fuck my ass, go get some rope/shackles, tie me up, bound me in every way, make sure i'm defenseless, then you can go ahead and slam my behind, otherwise, we're gonna have to continue with the blowjob"
youre 13 dude it WILL hurt. :d Just try plenty of relaxation techniques and don't save the lube. :]
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maybe at 13 you shouldnt commit to anal sex just yet.
try the other stuff and save that for someone special.
however... its not just you, it hurts to begin with but doesnt stay like that.
as the earlier post suggests...
try fingers and go slow to start.
if your boyfriend just bangs it in without taking care it will always hurt no matter how much you have done it.
good luck and happy shagging lol