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is it ok?
Just wondering what people will think to this...

im bisexual but swing mostly towards men. im very straight acting and words that some people would find offencive dont bother me. for example: puff, faggot etc.
all the homophobic words basically.

because they dont offend me i dont mind saying the words myself. however i dont use them to offend people but rather i use them in general conversation.

for example. my best friend asked me about a lad i was hanging around with and asked how i know him.
i replied: he's just another one of my puff mates.

because im into lads is it ok for me to say such things or is it still homophobic?
can a bisexual man actually be called homophobic?

and just in case i have offended anyone using them in this thread i apologise in advance. its just a genuine question ive wondered about for a while.

feedback please

i not like it if pepple say it bad words a bout being ggay but its not upto me!

I've never heard the term "puff" in referring to male homosexuals (guess it's just a British thing?), but I really don't like any of those terms. I guess your argument is kinda like black people saying it's OK for them to say the N word. It's a tricky/complicated subject.
Would you be offended if you were called a faggot by a straight person?

Some people have grown up all their lives listening to that kind of language as a precursor to being beaten up. There may come a time when such terms may be used value-free, but I doubt it will happen in my lifetime. Personally I don't like them. I would certainly not use them when speaking to straight people since that would be like granting a license to insult.

If a gay man can internalise homophobia a bisexual personal most certainly could be judged homophobic under some circumstances.

Never worry about asking genuine questions. Often they are the ones that require carefully thought out answers. Wink

I think it would come down to the intent of the word. If you say it with no hatred then your fine. Me and my friends are constantly sprouting out insults at each other that mean nothing to us, but am sure it would insult alot of people.

For me words only have negativity if you give them negativity. It’s also all about context and in which contexts the words are used.

For example

If someone walks by a gay man and calls him a “Fag” - in is contexts the word fag is negative/hateful.

Now if one of my friends are listening to Lady Gaga an dancing all wild and silly an I look this friend shake my head and call them a “Fag”. That’s neither negative or hateful, it’s just a statement of fact really. If someone blasting the Gaga and dancing like no one is watching, that’s Faggy.

If I use a word like “fag” and that upset or angrier someone that’s their problem not mine.

JoeyJoJo Wrote:I've never heard the term "puff" in referring to male homosexuals (guess it's just a British thing?), but I really don't like any of those terms. I guess your argument is kinda like black people saying it's OK for them to say the N word. It's a tricky/complicated subject.
Would you be offended if you were called a faggot by a straight person?

yes i think if they were saying it in a threatening or aggressive way i would be offended.
these replys are all great. i agree it is how people say words that makes them offencive and not the actual word its self.

Like everything else in life, it's relative..Confusedmile:. I suppose it mostly comes down to how considerate one chooses to be to the sensitivities of others.

jamiebfd Wrote:Just wondering what people will think to this...

im bisexual but swing mostly towards men. im very straight acting and words that some people would find offencive dont bother me. for example: puff, faggot etc.
all the homophobic words basically.

because they dont offend me i dont mind saying the words myself. however i dont use them to offend people but rather i use them in general conversation.

for example. my best friend asked me about a lad i was hanging around with and asked how i know him.
i replied: he's just another one of my puff mates.

because im into lads is it ok for me to say such things or is it still homophobic?
can a bisexual man actually be called homophobic?

and just in case i have offended anyone using them in this thread i apologise in advance. its just a genuine question ive wondered about for a while.

feedback please

I think gay people are allowed to use these words...
As long as you don't mean to hurt anyone - I think that's what counts...

I often use these words (in Hebrew), when I hang out with my gay friends... we say these words about each other and about other gay guys we see on the street...

Of course we don't mean to hurt anyone - that's what counts! Smile

Okay, here's a different take on this. I'm currently living in Fiji as a peace corps volunteer along with several other volunteers, a couple of whom are African American. Fijians, without any intent of being mean because they don't understand the historical context of the word, call African Americans the 'n' word. It still hurts for my fellow volunteers to hear and be called that.

So although we've lived here long enough to know Fijians are great people, certain words regardless of the intent of when they're spoken remain powerful knives to the soul.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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