Hey guys! I got really awkward but important for ya'll.
Twice while having sex (different partners and very far apart) there was some "waste" that came out during. It mixes with the lube and can become really gross smelling. The latest time it happened I immediately noticed it and stopped the intercourse because I didn't want it to get as bad as the first time it happened.
I've been told by a friend that there is absolutely no way to avoid this. Even if you "prepare" yourself really well, there is still a chance that it could happen.
Any ideas?
Yes, this is going to happen, especially if you haven't empied your bowels properly beforehand, or taken an enema. But it goes with the territory, and it seems to me that it's best to be natural about it. Have something to wipe yourself with, or if there is more to come, excuse yourself for a moment and go to the toilet and let it out. It could also be because you are using too much lube, making fecal matter more likely to loosen up and to 'slip' out. It may also be a question of finding the right type of lube, they are not all the same.
But truly, let's be realistic about this. Anyone who's going to engage in anal sex should expect something like that to happen from time to time, even well prepared. The fact that you practically never see it in porn is because they edit the films, not because it never happens. We have to remember that porn is 'tampered' with, mostly, and does not always show the more unpleasant sides of the trade, like difficult or painful penetrations, or fecal waste getting loose. I suppose the only way not to have that sort of problem is not to engage in anal sex, and that's for everyone to decide whether they want to go without it or not.
I agree with Pa and Ryan De Soto ... we have a saying here :
Das Eine was Du willst... das Andere was Du kriegst ... means
the one what you want .... the other what you get....
"Wash me .. but don´t make me wet" .... did not work ... :biggrin:
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Joined: Jan 2011
I'm a : Single Gay Man
use a dildo first before sex. anything that you missed will go on that. do it alone so it doesnt put the other person off.
also have a can of air fresh next to you haha.
good luck
well, that's the price of anal sex. while doin' it, try not to be bothered too much about it, just enjoy the moment and deal about it later after you've cum....
Well, me as a top. . . as long as a condom is worn I won't notice the bad stuff till i'm done or until it bothers the bottom enough to bring it to my attention.
I mean hey, I change my sheets afterwards anyway.
I have been bottoming all my life and I learned long ago that the only way to be sure of a clean intercourse is to take a warm water enema B4 hand.
Many Gay spas and bathing clubs have a shower head with enema attachment. You should have an enema set up at home for ready use. Avoid too deep an enema. You only want to evacuate the rectum and descending colon. Water in the colon proper can cause more of a mess.
Practice makes perfect.
Off topic: I once bottomed for a very cute guy. He sat on the edge of my couch and I mounted him. Unfortunately I "painted" him just a bit. I appologized profusely. My friend said, "Don't worry about it" and kept right on driving!
Oh well. . . . . . I still say: >>>>>Get your enema technique down !
Ya, an enema is the most secure/easiest way to avoid a mud slide, unless you're into that kinda shit(no pun intended).
Guy above me is correct! Get your technique down, although it may take some time, and do some self research on how to do enemas correctly!
Although, if you're on your "period"(got diarrhea), an enema from god won't be able to help you!
id recommend maybe throwing in some humour.... Mess happens from time to time why not just laugh it off and say a tradition line from League of gentlemen i think]
"I made a little brown fish"