02-06-2011, 09:20 AM
Ok, so I've just started (as of yesterday) coming out to close friends; I plan on coming out to more distant friends and family soon. With my newfound "freedom," I really want to branch out and meet a good guy who shares my ideals, values/morals, personality type, etc. What I'm trying to say is that I really want to meet the right man and finally be in a relationship. However, I'm not the type to just walk up to the guy I'm attracted to and introduce myself and start up a conversation. I'm kinda shy at first (although all of those who know me well wish I WERE shy again! :biggrin: ), and that sometimes makes it hard to "break the ice." Any suggestions? I live in the Kansas City, MO area in the states, and have been trying to force myself out of my comfort zone in order to meet others like myself. For example, the university I attend has an LGBT office and lounge with resources for gay men, like myself. It's still kind of new to me, but I'm excited still. I realize that when I meet the right guy, everything will fall into place and take care of itself. So, essentially I'm asking you all...do any of you have similiar problems, and if so, what do you do to overcome them, or what would you recommend?