So, I was having a wonderful time with my friends all day Saturday and everything was going great. I decided that I had enough fun and was getting tired and decided to go home. On the way home, I slipped on some ice that was covered in snow and wound up breaking my ankle. So I then spent the rest of the morning in the ER and I am now house bound with a broken ankle. FML
yes .. that sucks really :-(
I hope you have not so much pains in the first days....
Yeah that's some hard luck dude, that ice is a bitch.
Taker easy and heal up k :biggrin:
i'm gonna be re-applying for my US visa so that finally i'd be able to visit Lexington and fulfill my ultimate experience snow personally... somehow, a lot of instances are given to me that snow is not such a very glorious experience, including this thread....
ouch, I'm surprised for all the slips I've had on ice that I haven't broken anything. I hope it heals quick!
Sympathy sex? Anyway, good luck on your recovery. I hope you get better soon.
Wow, that sucks dude, that's one of the reasons I hate snow. I slipped once and cracked my skull open years ago, luckily didn't knock me unconscious but still. Breaking your ankle, ouchie, I can't possibly imagine how much pain you felt when that happened. *hugs*
even with all these news, i still think snow is the greatest thing on earth.
Udabar, you've been gone a while... Welcome back. Well, get well soon, eh? And just make sure you don't do anything silly to thwart the remission. That sort of thing has a habit of getting worse with time, if you aren't a good boy and avoid pressure on it.