I've not long split up with my Boyfriend of 3 years, for 2 years i felt that we were made for each other, we fit perfectly, we shared friends, common interests, food, sports, tv programmes, music.. the sex was good.. but he was 7 years older than me and had a past that i didnt approve of. Guys kept coming out of the woodwork from his past that he had slept with etc, experimented with.. all that sort of thing. I fell out of love with him, i didnt trust him, but i still miss him now. Ive been apart from him for 2 months and i still think "Oh, what if.." and things like that.
When we first split up, i threw myself into my friends, i went out every night, went to the cinema, went round peoples houses, and i just kept myself busy. The worst thing in the world that you can do is just stay in doing nothing, as you will just find yourself picking up your phone or your computer and waiting for calls or messages like you say you have been. My friends really helped me come to terms with the fact that it was over and there are plenty more fish in the sea.
Also, many of my friends (Personally i dont like the idea of this one, but meh) say that rebounds are the perfect way to get over someone. My best friend always finds someone else straight after he's ended a relationship, and as long as it's just a rebound you want it to be and the other guy is happy with that then i think its ok. I think it probably helps to subside the pain you feel for the breakup because you're preocuppied with this other person.
You'll get through it
