Hmmm, 25 things, huh? Here goes...
1) I accepted my sexuality several years ago for myself, but I'm just now starting to come out to family and friends.
2) My biggest fetish is muscle, even though I have a few extra pounds myself
3) I currently live in Kansas City, Missouri, USA and am PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!! :biggrin:
4) Because I'm living in a new city with none of my usual friends around, I've gotten pretty lonely. So I've decided to try to find the love of my life and best friend. No luck so far

, I'm sure he will show up when I least expect it...
5) I, too am shy, but not so shy that it's crippling. My fav saying is "those who meet me think I'm shy...those who know me well wish I were..."
6) I really enjoy creating wheel-thrown pottery, and have a telent for it.
7) I was classically trained on the piano.
8) I'm a current college student majoring in Urban Studies
9) Aside from 2 very casual encounters with the same dude, I've never had a serious sexual relationship...
10) I'm really not into really crazy sexual techniques or fetishes (torture, pain, complete dominance, etc)
11) one of the many things I can't understand in this crazy world we live in is injustice; especially in the gay and lesbian rights aspect...we're people, too, and we deserve equal rights!!! :mad:
12) I was raised Catholic, but I nowadays I consider myself a Protestant Christian, and thank the Lord for all of my blessings every day!
13) Everybody who drinks has their favorite liquor or drink...mine is rum. To quote Captain Jack Sparrow, "Why is the rum always gone!?"
14) I'm a huge Food Network fan
15) Really?!? 10 more of these things to go? I'm not THAT interesting! lol
16) The person whose life I admire the most is Walt Disney.
17) I worked for Walt Disney World in Florida for a while.
18) The weirdest thing I've ever done while drunk? Smeared red jell-o shots all over my baby blue t shirt. I know, makes no sense, but it didn't have to...I was drunk! lol :tongue:
19) I don't know how to drive a stick shift.
20) I was adopted at birth, so I've never even met my biological parents. But that's ok, because my adopted parents are AWESOME!!!
21) I would ultimately like to move to Portland, Oregon...
22) I have absolutely no sense of style...
23) I currently work in a grocery store...ick.
24) Every job I've had has been in retail
25) That's all, folks!!!