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25 Things you didn't know about.................
borrein Wrote:4). I'm only 25 years of age and already retired, living off several of my old projects and investments with me and my hubby, both of us don't work anymore.

5). I LOVE big guys. 400 to 500 pounds ^_^ they're very soft, cuddly and extra snuggly plus they're great to lay on.

12). The first time I ever had real sex was when I was 16 and he was 68.

20). My biggest fantasy is to have 3 guys at once tag teaming me ^^

25). I hate my home country, Romania. The government is corrupt as hell. Will never go back even if someone tried to pay me to do so.

Wow for number 4. :eek:
Definitely wow for number 5 :eek:
wow (again) for number 15 :eek:
Number 20 probably seems better in your head than in reality
Romania is a lovely country. Confusedmile:

The Virgin Wrote:wow... this thread is very informative... i'll try... here's mine...

25 Things You Didn't Know about The Virgin....

23. I was also 5 years old when I first tried sex (or at least sucked someone's little penis..hehe)

19. I know I can sing and people in fact told me that I have a big shot in the local music scene, but I never tried realizing my dream to become a singer due to the fact that i have stage fright.

18. I eat all kinds of food. Everything, including dogs, turtles, frogs and insects. That's how flexible my appetite, and digestive system is.

15. I have the weirdest fetish of all. Only two of them actually. First are flawless, shaved, smooth armpits. And the second one is inflicting sadistic pain (like torture) to a sex partner.

10. Currently, I support for my family. My father is already bed-ridden after he got operated from gout complications and was forced to retire on his work. my mother is a housewife and i finance for my brother and sisters education.

07. my greatest fantasy is to be locked in an american prison with 500 inmates and they would rape me one by one, everyday, non-stop.

03. i've never lost temper before... during those times when people offend me, i just take it. in fact, all the negativity are accumulated deep inside me. and i know, somehow, someday, one person who broke the last straw is going to get it from me. bigtime!

01. I'm thankful, everyday to God for my loved one's existence and my existence as well...

Number 23 :eek: that's worse than child abuse.

Number 19 you need to get over that and become a big star

Number 18 dogs are pets not food

Number 15, first one is kind of nice, the second one leads me to think that you have mental problems (sorry)

Number 10 That's a wonderful thing you do for your family

Number 7 You wouldn't enjoy that unless you like dying

Number 3 and 1 are inspirational Confusedmile:

East Wrote:OK...I have to ask...

"...And the second one is inflicting sadistic pain (like torture) to a sex partner...."

"... i pity those who have to inflict pain on their body just to make money and i hate those people who are entertained by these kinds of entertainment. just plain sick...."

How do these two things co-exist? Is it only OK when you do the inflicting of pain?

"...my interaction with people (my attitude towards them) are always based on what zodiac sign they're in and how should i talk to them according to their personality..."

I am a Leo if that will help with your answer Wink :biggrin:

yup... i love seeing people get tortured only if with sexual intent and i'm the one on the giving in....hehe.... but anything with no sexual intent is not appealing to me and is sick.... pretty weird huh?

Contrary to what astrological books are saying (that Leo's are bossy and egoistic), almost all Leo's that I've met are incredibly humble and very, very funny people. They exude this kind of confidence that when you're around them, you can't help but feel positive about yourself too.... And my approach to Leos are usually kind and honest. And open....

Hmmm, 25 things, huh? Here goes...

1) I accepted my sexuality several years ago for myself, but I'm just now starting to come out to family and friends.

2) My biggest fetish is muscle, even though I have a few extra pounds myself Cool

3) I currently live in Kansas City, Missouri, USA and am PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!! :biggrin:

4) Because I'm living in a new city with none of my usual friends around, I've gotten pretty lonely. So I've decided to try to find the love of my life and best friend. No luck so far Cry, I'm sure he will show up when I least expect it...

5) I, too am shy, but not so shy that it's crippling. My fav saying is "those who meet me think I'm shy...those who know me well wish I were..." Tongue3

6) I really enjoy creating wheel-thrown pottery, and have a telent for it.

7) I was classically trained on the piano.

8) I'm a current college student majoring in Urban Studies

9) Aside from 2 very casual encounters with the same dude, I've never had a serious sexual relationship...

10) I'm really not into really crazy sexual techniques or fetishes (torture, pain, complete dominance, etc)

11) one of the many things I can't understand in this crazy world we live in is injustice; especially in the gay and lesbian rights aspect...we're people, too, and we deserve equal rights!!! :mad:

12) I was raised Catholic, but I nowadays I consider myself a Protestant Christian, and thank the Lord for all of my blessings every day!

13) Everybody who drinks has their favorite liquor or drink...mine is rum. To quote Captain Jack Sparrow, "Why is the rum always gone!?" Roflmao

14) I'm a huge Food Network fan

15) Really?!? 10 more of these things to go? I'm not THAT interesting! lol

16) The person whose life I admire the most is Walt Disney.

17) I worked for Walt Disney World in Florida for a while.

18) The weirdest thing I've ever done while drunk? Smeared red jell-o shots all over my baby blue t shirt. I know, makes no sense, but it didn't have to...I was drunk! lol :tongue:

19) I don't know how to drive a stick shift.

20) I was adopted at birth, so I've never even met my biological parents. But that's ok, because my adopted parents are AWESOME!!!

21) I would ultimately like to move to Portland, Oregon...

22) I have absolutely no sense of style...

23) I currently work in a grocery store...ick.

24) Every job I've had has been in retail

25) That's all, folks!!! Biggthumpup

hi matt, i would love to hear you play the piano...hehe.. maybe i can sing for you....

25. I love to read books. :biggrin:

24. I can eat an entire 8-inch cheesecake by myself.

23. I'm absolutely terrified of spiders. I feel like throwing up when I see tarantulas and totally freak when a small house spider lands on me. Grlaugh

[Image: 34t4opt.gif]

22. I love to jog very early in the morning, when it's still really dark.

21. I'm right handed.

20. I enjoy reading Manga and watching Anime during my spare time.

19. I get drunk very fast, so no hard liquors for me. (which is weird since I'm half-irish :biggrinSmile

18. I have almost 600gb of porn on one of my external hard drives. Rolleyes

17. I'd like to be a travel program host someday.

16. When I'm sick, I always - always! - have this dream of a huge snake chasing me through a dilapidated house.

15. I prefer to commute even though I know how to drive.

14. I collect funny gifs I find over the internet.

13. I love the smell of coffee. It's somehow erotic for me.

12. I can wiggle my ears. I can also wiggle them independently (like, I can wiggle my right ear without my left ear moving and vice versa.)

11. I once fainted in class because I stood up from my chair too fast. At least that was what the doctor told me.

10. I didn't have a date during my senior prom.

9. I've been to a strip club with my older brother once.

8. I'm half-Irish and half-Filipino. Yeah, just like Darren Criss from Glee for you Glee fans. :biggrin:

7. My favorite food is a Filipino dish called 'Adobo'.

6. When I was around 5-6 years old, I didn't eat gummy bears because I thought they were the babies of teddy bears. Yes, I was that stupid. Astrosmiley2

5. I love watching 'old' cartoons like Dexter's Lab, I Am Weasel, Ren and Stimpy, CatDog, Rugrats, and Scooby-Doo among others.

4. A single serving of Swiss Miss (Hot chocolate mix) makes my tummy ache in about 30 minutes. I like it but it, apparently, hates me.

3. I can cook really well.

2. I can be a little stalker-ish when I like someone. Not in a creepy way, I hope. :biggrin:

1. My favorite movie(s) of all time is Kill Bill Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. Cool

25. I collect horror movies, I have well over 150 of them either on DVD or VHS.

24. I also have a fear of spiders... creepy s.o.bs

23. Normally I have curly/wavy hair, but thank to my hair straightener, I'm no longer confined to the horrible curls.

22. My favorite book/play is Euripides' Bacchae. Seriously, read it if you haven't.

21. I am an only child.

20. The first time I was drunk was when I was 3, but its because someone switched my juice with wine.

19. The first time I was drunk after that, I was 20 and it was on a beach in Loutraki, Greece.

18. My cousin is my polar opposite in almost every way.

17. I seem to retain strange bits of information and have a very good memory. If I have been somewhere once in my life, I will always know it.

16. The only sport I play on a regular basis is golf.

15. I have beaten every main Final Fantasy game except for the online ones (XI and XIV).

14. I almost had my first kiss with a drunk female classmate at another person's house, with her boyfriend in the other room... but I freaked out and scampered away.

13. I have a crazy family... I am going to write a book about them one day (when they can't retaliate :p)

12. (While pretty well most people know this, I'm listing it anyway) - My favorite tv show is Xena: Warrior Princess.

11. I drive a crap 2001 Ford Focus... I'm just waiting for it to die before I decide to get another car.

10. I'm a bit of a writer.

9. The first tattoo I got was completely spontaneous with my friend, we just decided one day, hey lets go get matching tattoos.

8. I have a degree in Ancient History... Greek mythology and literature being my focus point.

7. (geez, 7 more...) When I am in extreme physical pain, I laugh like a maniac.

6. I spend more time on this website than I do socializing with people outside of work :p

5. I bite my nails when I'm stressed... to the point that they bleed.

4. My favorite kind of dog is a pug. I want to have one someday.

3. I have a dildo that was molded from Brent Corrigan, so HA! I also have something signed by him.

2. I have been to Greece twice. It was so much fun both times.

1. I wish I could meet everyone I talk to on here face-to-face.

oh this is gonna be fun.

1. i have a huge appetite for asian cuisine.
2.i shower twice a day and take an hour to get ready after each one
3.i like really lanky guys- to much muscle is a bad thing in my world.
4.i am a total graphical nerd, AND PROUD.
5.i am horrified of aliens. (omg, HUG ME! <3)
6.i hate the stereotypical- and mainstream- so you have to be DIFFERENT to impress me.
7. i am obsessed with rotting flesh and rusting metal. (thank silent hill for it)
8. my favorite video game= chrono trigger
9. I know how to play the ocarina
10.i am an improvisational piano player.
11.i really hate women with guitars.
12.if i won a million dollars i'd pay for as many college educations as i could.
13. i hate people with low self esteem, slap some pride in yourself and get the stepping!
14.i love dreamers.
15.lady gaga is a god in my opinion.
16.my dream job is being a waiter that gets paid enough to pay rent.
17.black fat women have a knack for making me laugh.
18.i play pranks when someone is a snob.
19.i love blackjack.
20.i'd like to write a book someday.
21 i only have 5 friends on earth, the rest of the people that think they are my friends are actually being fooled and when i become president i'll have them all imprisioned for being adoring fans with nothing to offer.
22. yes- i do believe i'll be president someday.
23. kinky sex is a YES. Dance2
24.my favorite reality tv show is, 8 simple rules.
25. i love anime, DUH.

I'll give it ago...Confusedmile:

1) I'm of the soppy romantic type. Say something remotely romantic and i can't help but get the warm fuzzies.:redface:
2) I have a fear of: Spiders, High Ceilings and not as bad fears of flying and bugs in general.:redface:
3) I can't stand being the centre of atention. This includes standing infront of any group of people to say something.(Also got stage fright...):redface:
4) I'm silighly computer savy. But by no means an IT specialist.:redface:
5) I'm really creative and love making things.Confusedmile:
6) I was born 9 weeks premature...along with my twin brother...
7) My hands shake a fair bit and my joints are crap in general due to thee above.
8) My hand writting and drawing skills are hampered by thee above.
9) I'm still haunted by nightmares of my secondary school days.
10) Yeah, i do still have depression of which i obtained in my last few years of primary school.
11) I never had to come to terms with being gay. I just didn't care. "I might be gay, so what?" eventually became"I'm gay, so what?":tongue:
12) I'm out to my friends and close family...bar my dad...and my sister...so really i'm only out to you guys and 5 people...:redface:
13) I only got three passing grades on my GCSEs, two Bs in Science and a "C" in maths.(I blame bullying...though really i guess its my fault.)
14) I have an IQ of 132.
15) I might be dyslectic. I really haven't been arsed to check.:tongue:
16) I like video gaming..ALOT.:biggrin:
17) I have a youtube acount which i upload video game videos to.Confusedmile:
18) My favorite Genre of TV and film AND gaming are Horror and Sci-Fi:biggrin:
19) I'm not a book person...:redface:
20) Or a music person...:redface:
21) Yup me a bit borring.:redface::redface::redface:
22) I own 3 cats... and over my lifetime, pets wise, i've owned 4 cats and...7 fish?(The fish kept dying, its hard to keep track.:redfaceSmile
23) I love video games with alot of customisation:biggrin:
24) I tend to avoid following the crowd...don't know why.:confused:
25) I'm an athiest. I'm not big on politics. But i beleave i'm left politically?:confused:

*Sigh* Think i put too many negative points?:redface:
Well i guess i could always add 25 more at somepoint.Rolleyes
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so

11) I never had to come to terms with being gay. I just didn't care. "I might be gay, so what?" eventually became"I'm gay, so what?"

Love that...I am the same way...

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