So... Imagine, if you will, that you've been in a committed relationship for about [COLOR="red"]3 years now. You've had your ups and downs, but nothing too terrible. He has told you all about all the terrible things he went through with his ex, the cheating, the lying, the fighting, the break up, the time it took to recover, the rebound, all of it. One day there's a knock at the door, you open it up and there's a stranger asking for your boyfriend. Your boyfriend informs you that this is **THE DREADED EX** DAH DAH DAAAAAAAAAAH!!!:eek:
He says he's changed and he still loves your boyfriend and wants him back. Your boyfriend immediately closes the door in his face, and you both go on about your day as if it never happened. The next day, you get home and your boyfriend is being strangely silent and when you ask what's wrong he says "I think we need to spend some time apart. I still have feelings for my X and I'm feeling confused... Are you ok?"
Well?Are you? What will you do and why?[/COLOR]
I'd dump him on the spot, no need to take any time away to think... It would be a waste anyway cuz he'd only come home to find me on the couch kicking it with somebody new, and all his stuff in [COLOR="Red"]storage.[/COLOR]
I'd tend to think that the period of mourning hasn't done its thing properly, so maybe I'd give him time to think... hoping that he'd come to his senses about the other really being the bugger that he formerly described (and maybe a user!), but then it would really depend on how I'd been treating our relationship and whether I'd made the necessary efforts to be THE ONE and make him feel to be THE ONE. You can never take anything for granted.
Is this a real case that's happened to you Evilbunnie?
Oh GOD no. I hope it never does! This is actually a poll that I took once before when someone else posted it on [COLOR="White"]LifeOUT I've never had the pleasure of being in a relationship that lasts over a year.[/COLOR]
I would ask the most important question.
Do i love him enough to let him go?
As the old saying goes " If you love someone set them free if they come back they are yours if they do not they never where.
or hunt them down and kill them your choice. ( that was a joke of course.)
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
02-13-2011, 05:55 PM
(Edited 02-13-2011, 06:24 PM by Genersis.)
"cheating, the lying, the fighting, the break up, the time it took to recover, the rebound"
"I think we need to spend some time apart. I still have feelings for my X and I'm feeling confused... Are you ok?"
I'd either dump him out right. Or i'd give him abit of time to come to his senses.
But seriously. He doesn't deserve my love if his love for me is swayed by a guy who treated him so bad in the past, regardless of if he just painted himself as the victim when he told me about his EX. When i have done(I'm assuming in this scenario) Nothing to hurt him in the relationship.
But if this relationship has being going on for 3 years. I doubt i'd be able to end it easilly.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so