zeon Wrote:Hello there,
Coming out is a big step and with the right support it can be done.. Religion can play a horrible part in how it affects peoples lives and i know with the bible the only thing it seems to say and do in relation to anything is man shall not lie with man... Doesnt condone or condem homosexuality and when I came out in the small area I grew up in I got the courage by beleiving that if my mother has always truely loved me all my life... She would have no problem accepting me..
I would suggest getting together with friends who want to come out but havent and maybe dicussing with them about doing a pact "outing". This way you can express your true moments with friends and what its like to actually admit your gay to other gay people. I would then use the time to discuss what happens if family members decide its time you so called moved out.. Self support along with team support can make things easy,... I hear many men who come out in their 50's wish they done it when they were younger and I would recommend to yourself that the sooner you can do it the better... Dont lock yourself in a prison within set yourself free and be able to be proud of who you are...
Best of Luck 
true. i am definetely not ashamed of my nature. it is the year 2011 , it's crazy discrimination even exists still, for not just gays but any sort of groups but especially peaceful ones like lgbt community's or marijuana smokers, lol.
im actually considering seeing a local psychologist around here i once saw. he actually got me to admit to my dad that i smoked/really liked marijuana last year when i saw him and it was awkward at first but it actually was cool not to have to hide it and over time i think he kind of accepted it. i dont smoke all that much anymore cause i have too much to worry about in my day to day life these days im better off without using it at any regular interval.
My point is though i think maybe seeing this guy again might not be a bad idea. i think i knew i was gay back when i saw him but i didn't have it in me to tell him, now i am considering it but i guess it would be a big step while living at home, but i know my dad can keep a secret. i dont think he told my mom about the weed thing.
i guess this is something ill give thought. it still is a weird decision though if not just for the fact that not one single person near my block is openly gay as far as i know.
itss too bad that religion which is supposed to bring people happiness causes suffering to others. what can you do? it definetely is true tho imo, i feel like deeply religious people are often extremely repressed. ive known some great religious people but for the majority it often seems to do more bad than good. :X. my anology for religion is to live in a box, lol.
with all that said there does seem to be alot of open mindedness among some jews. i actually once hinted that i might be gay to one of my older/late 20/30's friends (of my family) and she said if im into boys that is cool. so i know at least one family would back me up. well, just wanted to share some rambling get it out of my system. thanks for reading.