02-23-2011, 02:20 PM
Hello all,
Some of you may remember me some may never have seen me on here until...... Yesterday when i sneaked in the backdoor and mingled a little...
I figured id write a post and let ya know ive returned... It has been a while since I was on here and jesus has alot happenned which I dont mind explaining to save all the questions...
I had to say goodbye over a year ago because I was under alot of stress and beginning to suffer with a mild dose of depression.. My money issues were being drained and the home l lived in and rented a room from was in danger of repossession.. Well of course with this in affect and having two dogs who I love dearly NOTHING was going to throw me off course...
In april 2010 my landlord announced to me and my partner at the time that the place we were living in was being repossessed and we should consult another landlord/look around for a place to rent... This placed our relationship in turmoil which eventually collapsed and we were left in pieces... In may 2010 I had a chat with my landlord and said id like to buy the house which ended up in a no joy situation as no one would lend me the money even though id raised sufficent funds... I suspect this was due to the economy state at the time... After a week my landlord decided it was time to contact a company known as property rescue services who bought the house for 55% less than its value and on July 31st I kissed goodbye to my dogs for the last time...... Until two months later but ill get there in a bit...
On July 31st after leaving my dogs I drove to my brothers yard and "borrowed" one of his lorries and spent 32 hours moving my landlord out of his home and into his new one... During this time I spoke with him and asked him if i could borrow £10,000 in order to get on the property ladder to which suprisingly he agreed and loaned me the money with no interest ontop.. On august 2nd me and my ex were both down the estate agents and i explained our situation and said I want a home today to be able to place an offer in and we were given 7 properties to view... All of them seemed nice except a few and the main reasons for them was either faulty electrical issues or a Bath in the bedroom... I mean who really wants a property where your bath is situated at the end of your bed? That evening we were viewing a property which we both agreed we liked and managed to knock the owner down 7 grand in price...
For the next ten weeks that was the biggest pain in my life.... I was offically declared... Homeless.. I spent hours upon hours looking for laybys where i could park my car up and sleep in it.. Luckily it was the summer so temperature wasnt an issue however towards the end of september I was growing tired of waiting and so was the seller so I decided to hassle my solicitors and told them I want this issue recified as quickly and effienctly as possible.. Stress began to creep and get ontop and on the 20th September just as I was about to pull out the deal and claw all my money back the owner of our new home got wind of our living situation and allowed us to move in early...
Well all has gone swimmingly since moving in and we have got ourselves straight and from the 21st september I called up for my dogs... I felt tired exhausted and emotionally drained by the ordeal.. My dogs made me realise that in the end if you want something badly its well worth waiting for... I was determined not to resort back to renting and kissing my dogs goodbye.. I have never been able to thank my ex landlord enough for what his done in helping us... Despite owing him loads of the money still..
Now i am de stressed and happy once again living in our own home with my ex I have decided to re introduce myself back on a forum where I was happy to be and in a forum that has evoled.. There is alot of users i dont recognise but there is also alot I do and overtime ill find my place again within this community and to those whos heads I bit off when I was at my lowest.... I am sorry and to those of you who I havent yet introduced myself to....
Hello I am Zeon from Brighton UK and generally an easy going kinda guy
Kindest regards all
zeon xx
Some of you may remember me some may never have seen me on here until...... Yesterday when i sneaked in the backdoor and mingled a little...
I figured id write a post and let ya know ive returned... It has been a while since I was on here and jesus has alot happenned which I dont mind explaining to save all the questions...
I had to say goodbye over a year ago because I was under alot of stress and beginning to suffer with a mild dose of depression.. My money issues were being drained and the home l lived in and rented a room from was in danger of repossession.. Well of course with this in affect and having two dogs who I love dearly NOTHING was going to throw me off course...
In april 2010 my landlord announced to me and my partner at the time that the place we were living in was being repossessed and we should consult another landlord/look around for a place to rent... This placed our relationship in turmoil which eventually collapsed and we were left in pieces... In may 2010 I had a chat with my landlord and said id like to buy the house which ended up in a no joy situation as no one would lend me the money even though id raised sufficent funds... I suspect this was due to the economy state at the time... After a week my landlord decided it was time to contact a company known as property rescue services who bought the house for 55% less than its value and on July 31st I kissed goodbye to my dogs for the last time...... Until two months later but ill get there in a bit...
On July 31st after leaving my dogs I drove to my brothers yard and "borrowed" one of his lorries and spent 32 hours moving my landlord out of his home and into his new one... During this time I spoke with him and asked him if i could borrow £10,000 in order to get on the property ladder to which suprisingly he agreed and loaned me the money with no interest ontop.. On august 2nd me and my ex were both down the estate agents and i explained our situation and said I want a home today to be able to place an offer in and we were given 7 properties to view... All of them seemed nice except a few and the main reasons for them was either faulty electrical issues or a Bath in the bedroom... I mean who really wants a property where your bath is situated at the end of your bed? That evening we were viewing a property which we both agreed we liked and managed to knock the owner down 7 grand in price...
For the next ten weeks that was the biggest pain in my life.... I was offically declared... Homeless.. I spent hours upon hours looking for laybys where i could park my car up and sleep in it.. Luckily it was the summer so temperature wasnt an issue however towards the end of september I was growing tired of waiting and so was the seller so I decided to hassle my solicitors and told them I want this issue recified as quickly and effienctly as possible.. Stress began to creep and get ontop and on the 20th September just as I was about to pull out the deal and claw all my money back the owner of our new home got wind of our living situation and allowed us to move in early...
Well all has gone swimmingly since moving in and we have got ourselves straight and from the 21st september I called up for my dogs... I felt tired exhausted and emotionally drained by the ordeal.. My dogs made me realise that in the end if you want something badly its well worth waiting for... I was determined not to resort back to renting and kissing my dogs goodbye.. I have never been able to thank my ex landlord enough for what his done in helping us... Despite owing him loads of the money still..
Now i am de stressed and happy once again living in our own home with my ex I have decided to re introduce myself back on a forum where I was happy to be and in a forum that has evoled.. There is alot of users i dont recognise but there is also alot I do and overtime ill find my place again within this community and to those whos heads I bit off when I was at my lowest.... I am sorry and to those of you who I havent yet introduced myself to....
Hello I am Zeon from Brighton UK and generally an easy going kinda guy

Kindest regards all
zeon xx