Hi Guys, So As You Know I'm A Gamer & Made On Zombie Games But I Watched A Trailer On A New Game Being Released And Was Kinda Shocked, See At The Start Of This Video There Is This Little Girl Laying There Dead, Of Course We All Know Its A Zombie Game, Then It Turns The Clip Backwards And Shows How The Little Girl Was Killed!, Or Something Like That,
I'm Not A Fan Of Kids Getting Killed In Movies Or Games, I Find It Sick And Disturbing, So What Are You're Thoughts About This Game Trailer
Since I Can't Post Any Links Since I'm Only Up To 10 Posts I'll Tell You The Game Name And You Can Check It Out On Youtube Its Called 'Dead Island'
Is It A Band Game Waiting To Happen?
before that, games depicting crimes, killing, shooting people, knocking someone out til they drew blood and die and the likes already exists, polluting the minds of the young ones. i don't see this new game you mention any different. if they're going to band this specific 'dead island' game for grounds of 'sick and disturbing', then it would just be hypocrite to disregard the other more disturbing games.
personally, i don't approve of such games. but i guess that's why kids have parents. to guide them through.
That is super horrible, a little innocent girl dead (in a video game, it's even sad). Stuff like this makes me want to cry.
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Its called "Dead Island"
I like it.
Its a pretty unique trailler.
It's just a game.
I really have no problem seeing the trailer.
Nor do i have much of a problem seeing chlideren die in films or games.
To me its not any worse than an adult dying in a film or game.
Thats life, people die.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
you know even though i'm used to see people die (even kids) this was very emotional to me like seriously
and yea its just a game
This Dead Island trailer has gone viral like you read about.
Top game industry people are calling the best trailer ever made, movie industry people are calling it the best industry trailer ever made, it was trending on twitter for like 3 straight days. Dead Island has already been optioned for a movie deal, all off one single trailer.
Now I have watched the trailer 3 times and I understand why people love it so much, it’s very cinematic and even a little emotional but I myself remain skeptical. It’s a pure C.G. trailer that featured no inkling to what the actually in game graphics look like or how it will play. All we really now is that is that there are zombies on a vacation type island. Also the zombie genre has been a bit of a log jam over the last few years, with game like Resident Evil, Left4Dead, Dead Rising even Red Dead and Call of Duty have zombie modes.
So I guess we’ll have to wait and see if the this game can live up to the hype that has been building around it.