06-30-2009, 03:47 PM
Jake Wrote:7. Gay men love to dance.
I do like to get my frek oan
[B]11. Gay men are clean.
Shouldn't we all be though...
12. Gay men lack strong male models.
13. Gay men always have a trust girl-pal by side.
14. Gay men have limp wrist.
I'd rather chop my wrist off
15. Gay men are catty.
I'm more a dog person
16. Gay men are drama queens.
It's called Schitzoaffective disorder...thank you
18. Gay men are into watersport.
I like swimming, so what
19. Gay men value education.
I don't go to school. D:
A few are me there
I few i'm definitely not
Love the Schizoaffective disorder, lol.... where on earth did you dig that one up from? Or did you make it up? Clever if you did...