11-03-2007, 11:18 PM
To be honest babe, if it's having that major an impact on you then I think it's definitely something that you need to be able to get a handle on, otherwise it'll just crack you up slowly (or quickly, depending on what happens).
I've said it before, and so I'll say it again ... if you want to talk about this in person (as in via MSN), then please do add my account - I'm happy to discuss what's troubling you, as personal experience in my own life does quite closely mirror aspects of what you've been speaking about (Michael can vouch for me on that).
It's sound if you'd rather not, but sometimes it's nice to get things off your chest by having a natter with somebody in real time ...
[email protected] - waddaya got to lose
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!
I've said it before, and so I'll say it again ... if you want to talk about this in person (as in via MSN), then please do add my account - I'm happy to discuss what's troubling you, as personal experience in my own life does quite closely mirror aspects of what you've been speaking about (Michael can vouch for me on that).
It's sound if you'd rather not, but sometimes it's nice to get things off your chest by having a natter with somebody in real time ...
[email protected] - waddaya got to lose

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!