10-15-2007, 02:27 AM
Basically I am a 19 year old male living in central london. all of my mates (at least that i know of) are straight but recently i have been wondering about one of them and i would really appreciate it if someone could give me their opinion.
they don't know i am gay and I don't make it obvious either. i hide it easily by pointing out a fit girl on the street or pulling a girl in a club. i have been asked a few times because i am chronically single (and have denied it).
this guy is a close mate of mine and one night i went out to the pub with him and essentially fell for him. he has had a girlfriend for three years who he says he loves very much
he is also very experienced sexually (so he says) i.e. got head at 12 and lost his virginity at 14.
he played rugby until about 16-17 and is a bit of a lad at heart so i don't know if the things he does are because of the stereotypical homoerotic things rugby guys do or if it is because he really does mean them.
there have been several incidents that caused me to question whether or not he is actually straight. the night we went to the pub i was sitting on my bed with my legs crossed and he looked at me and then laid down and put his head on my lap. i started touching his head (not in a sexual way) and he quickly lifted his head up. he wasn't angry or anything just a bit surprised i think.
another time we were speaking in the hallway about drug use and he asked what "e" felt like. i told him it makes you love and feel attracted to everyone you meet and then he looked at me and asked if i was ever attracted to him. i told him i didn't know.
then about a week ago we were both drunk at a club and he sat very close next to me and we started talking. we got into quite a deep conversation and after about 10 mins i realized that our heads were about an inch from one another. i had an overwhelming urge to put my hand on his thigh and kiss him though i stopped myself and thought about how dangerous that would be. then one of our mates told us we looked like a couple and another one came over and butted into our conversation and i got very angry though i know i shouldn't have. i see him about every two days and sometimes when he is drunk he looks at me in such a suggestive way it is making me go crazy. some of our other mates have even commented on how much time we have been spending together and on how close we are getting. i told them, while drunk, that i though he could be gay and some of them partially agreed with me.
we go out together and get drunk quite a bit now and i am worried that i am going to say or do something stupid and i don't want to lose him as a mate. should i tell him how i feel because the crush is growing and i know i am eventually going to say or do something that makes it obvious i fancy him.
i am going crazy! can someone suggest something? thanks
they don't know i am gay and I don't make it obvious either. i hide it easily by pointing out a fit girl on the street or pulling a girl in a club. i have been asked a few times because i am chronically single (and have denied it).
this guy is a close mate of mine and one night i went out to the pub with him and essentially fell for him. he has had a girlfriend for three years who he says he loves very much

he played rugby until about 16-17 and is a bit of a lad at heart so i don't know if the things he does are because of the stereotypical homoerotic things rugby guys do or if it is because he really does mean them.
there have been several incidents that caused me to question whether or not he is actually straight. the night we went to the pub i was sitting on my bed with my legs crossed and he looked at me and then laid down and put his head on my lap. i started touching his head (not in a sexual way) and he quickly lifted his head up. he wasn't angry or anything just a bit surprised i think.
another time we were speaking in the hallway about drug use and he asked what "e" felt like. i told him it makes you love and feel attracted to everyone you meet and then he looked at me and asked if i was ever attracted to him. i told him i didn't know.
then about a week ago we were both drunk at a club and he sat very close next to me and we started talking. we got into quite a deep conversation and after about 10 mins i realized that our heads were about an inch from one another. i had an overwhelming urge to put my hand on his thigh and kiss him though i stopped myself and thought about how dangerous that would be. then one of our mates told us we looked like a couple and another one came over and butted into our conversation and i got very angry though i know i shouldn't have. i see him about every two days and sometimes when he is drunk he looks at me in such a suggestive way it is making me go crazy. some of our other mates have even commented on how much time we have been spending together and on how close we are getting. i told them, while drunk, that i though he could be gay and some of them partially agreed with me.
we go out together and get drunk quite a bit now and i am worried that i am going to say or do something stupid and i don't want to lose him as a mate. should i tell him how i feel because the crush is growing and i know i am eventually going to say or do something that makes it obvious i fancy him.
i am going crazy! can someone suggest something? thanks