Personaly, I don't think anyone is multi-acounting, but as fen said, Andy should be able to check that out in no time.
Hello all,
With regards to back stabbing beleive it or not the best thing to do is just totally blank it... In the past people have said stuff about me on other sites and i learnt that if I bothered to waste a small moment of my life going to the offenders level then I am equal on badness.. If people choose to try to piss ya off just shrug it off its to do possibly with dominance and the best way to defeat it is to work as a community against the offenders by not giving them the bite on their bait they want.... Lets face it its not like ya know them in reality its only cyber space lol
Kindest regards and love to all
zeon xx
fredv3b Wrote:Agreed, I may have been known to pick an argument, but not a fight and he is abusive. My reply in another thread was as restrained as I could manage.
i just wanted to say fredv3b that you have been nothing but kind to me and i enjoy seeing your name pop up when you have posted on something, and anytime you've commented with a passion i would say that you were not out of line at all, if it had been me i dont think i would be so controlled.
i know i havent been on this site very long but i hope im becoming part of this cyber community, but in my short time i must say i have seen some things that i think to my self "wow gay people have a hard enough time without people seeing stuff like this" i worry what people must think of us.
personally i think anyone who has to use profanity and malicious language to try to upset others are unintelligent wastes of spaces
Beaux Wrote:I could be wrong, but I think your taking this all too much to heart. I know that I wasnt refering to you in anyway in my post on this thread, and I dont really think that the intent of the original poster had anything to do with you at all.
This thread was (I believe) to address posters who have displayed undue hostility and vulgarity (you know who you are), and you simply dont fit that bill.
Your posts are always well thought out and I have never seen you attack another forum member.
Thanks Beaux; I know the original poster didn't intend any of this to me and didn't feel you were either, but it appears my reply which was meant in good intention bothered Simon, which in turn made me feel like he was taking me out of context. Perhaps I shouldn't have brought up my experience with my dad in the other thread. Perhaps I shouldn't have brought up my experiences with television forums in this thread. Maybe I'm not very good at expressing myself at times, but relating my own experiences is how I best know how to relate in threads like this, and I related my experiences. I apologize if I read too much into his response.
I am aware of the two posters. One I haven't had interaction with to have an opinion about. The other, between seeing the poster's age and the context of the question, I just felt there was more background and though that poster's responses definitely could have been a lot better, I was also disappointed in the quickness to judge.
Perhaps I'm at times also too idealistic in hoping people don't judge. And to me, there IS a difference between giving a differing opinion and making somebody feel judged because their opinions differ. That's not to say I don't ever judge either, we're all human and I know I definitely dislike the tea party and such, but I do try to not judge people on a personal level in person or on forums like this or the TV one I visit unless they have specific responses to me/interactions with me.
I have a motto for everyone
Two wrongs dont make a right!!!
Now before you start dont anyone dare copy me when i do something wrong as well as i tend to say
Then why do two negatives make a positive?
Posts: 2,418
Threads: 41
Joined: Oct 2008
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03-16-2011, 09:08 PM
(Edited 03-16-2011, 09:23 PM by fredv3b.)
jbrowder24 Wrote:We often need to take a moment and remember we don't know everything a person has or is going through; we can only get so much from a few posts on a forum.
Are you referring to how we should act when judging someone as a whole person or just as a member of a forum? If the former I agree, if the latter I think it's irrelevant.
Referring to jbrowder24:-
Beaux Wrote:Your posts are always well thought out and I have never seen you attack another forum member.
I completely agree. I do not believe that any comments here were directed against you, but supposing they were I think they would be unfair.
Edit: I would like to expand on my comment. I think we need to bear in mind the difference between a judging a particular opinion a person happens to hold as being mistaken, or worse, and making a judgement about that person as a whole. If you say something that Simon or I or anyone else thinks is plain wrong then we are judging your opinion, that does not mean that I or anyone else is judging you as a whole person.
ninja Wrote:i just wanted to say fredv3b that you have been nothing but kind to me and i enjoy seeing your name pop up when you have posted on something, and anytime you've commented with a passion i would say that you were not out of line at all, if it had been me i dont think i would be so controlled.
You are too kind. However be warned, just like everyone else, if you say something I disagree with don't be surprised if I argue with you.
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.
lol fred dont worry about what people say about ya dear lets face it your the same as me... WE are british  lol
Fred, I recently saw one of those 'post this as a status' things on facebook that I'm going to post here:
Quote:The One u just called fat? She has been starving herself & she has lost over 30lbs. The One u just called stupid? She has a learning disability & studies over 4hrs a night. The One you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on hoping people will like her. The One you just tripped? She is abused enough at home. PUT THIS AS YOUR STATUS IF YOU ARE AGAINST BULLYING
I think even when it doesn't come to bullying but just interacting with other people, especially on forums like this where you don't truly know someone, it's a good idea to remember that there is other stuff going on in their life that may be shaping why they are coming to a board to ask a question, or for the regulars, if they're a bit moody that day, etc.
That said, it can also be too easy for people on certain boards to let being anonymous make them snarkier etc than they would be in real life, which is why it's so great gayspeak was / is so welcoming.
EDIT: I would agree with the below, those asking questions should also be ready to accept varying answers, but answers should still be given respectfully. ... And in some cases, answers are given when no question and thus opinions were asked! :tongue:
fredv3b Wrote:You are too kind. However be warned, just like everyone else, if you say something I disagree with don't be surprised if I argue with you.
thank you, i dont expect everyone to think the same as me, whats the point of asking a question or something if you dont want a wide range of ideas and thoughts
I had no idea there were insults being thrown around. Like I said, there should be mods here. I'll gladly volunteer to be a mod here.