ZombieSlayer Wrote:today, i got told by my own mother that i ruin everything...fml.
i feel like a werthless piece of crap. i just wanna leave.
i know i ruin everything, but its like...thanks for reminding me...
Trust me, you don't ruin anything at all. In it's self she's criticizeing her own parenting skills as she's the one who raised you. So if anything it's her ruining your life more than your ruining her. (though thats only one of many ways to look at it)
ZombieSlayer Wrote:i wanna run away tonight or sometime real soon so i can just escape.
Thats a bad idea, trust me. Your young, so living on the streets would be a much more challenging life then your current situation. And also why should you leave? you've done nothing wrong. Stay put, when your in your house just stay in your room and try block out the rest of the house full of hatred. If they come in your room to pick a fight tell them to get out. (I'm sure most teenagers do this anyway.)
ZombieSlayer Wrote:no one would even miss me anyway. i doubt they would even know i was gone.
if they did, i bet theyd be glad.
id be glad too.
They would, know you were gone, and trust me they would miss you. Although from the point of perspective I know, they would probably just feel sorry for them selves. I know it sounds weird... but I think you'd miss yourself, when feeling alone sometimes you can only depend on yourself. If you ran away your takeing huge leap in the real world which could only make things whole lot harder.
ZombieSlayer Wrote:if they did, i bet theyd be glad.
id be glad too.
Glad that no one cares? as much as you try and hide it, deep inside that sort of stuff does major harm. Like someone is stabbing you in the heart with a spear and just wigglign it around now and again.
Going off what Zeon said I have a nice quote for that.
'Friends are Gods way of saying sorry for your family'
Now we are you friends

and as a friend I will tell you:
Your not worthless never think that.
You stand on equal grounds with everyone else, so never give up for less!
and lastly your beautiful in ever single way, so don't ever let someone get you down!
I hope this helps... I tend to ramble about uselss stuff...