lol... If someone waxed my legs i would go absolutely mental.. My legs are my strongest pulling point with the lads because of how nice they look... I have never shaved the hair on them or waxed them either so its all from the first edition which is why tjhey are slightly blonde... I know in the summer i shave under my arms for hyginene reasons as i end up sweatting alot and it pisses me off
lol... U wax my legs and ill have to issue a warrant for your arest lol... Under zeon's law it is illegal for zeon to wax his legs or arms lol... Until im over the hill.. Its all good fun though... With regards to the countdown if u dont do that do i get a stick to put in my gob then to prevent me from screaming or swearing as if i was having my leg sawn off with no anesetic?
kindest regards
If you weren't getting it before your razor's blade might be blunt, this can cause rashes, or you could be shaving too closely/hard. Try using different razor, or you can trim instead of shaving it all off (which is what I'd do).