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Supreme Commander
Anyone played this game?Confusedmile:

I had it on the XBox 360 first but liked it so much i got the PC version with its PC only expansion "Forged Alliance" even though i've never really been a PC gamer.:redface:

Its an RTS of a MASSIVE scale and is a spiritual successor to Total Annihilation.
With maps up to 81 KM in sizes with up to 8 players on them.(Takes 20 minutes for the fastest units to get from one side to the other)
With unit caps of 500 or 1000 per side.
Has Land, Air and Sea units.
Has Experimental units. Which are normally huge powerful expensive units which can demolish most units quickly and in numbers and are faction specific.
Matches last anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours or even more deppending on how things pan out!( and i'm talking about 1 VS 1!)
There are 3 factions in the original SupCom and 4 in SupComForAll.
(Sorry, sounds like i'm trying to sell the bloody thing doesn't it? Heh.:redfaceSmile
[Image: picture.php?albumid=99&pictureid=1017]
A little bit of a warning though. This game is COMPLEX. Its matches are longer than most RTS. And it has a unique resource income system that is sensitive. If you miss handle your economy you can crash it, giving your opponent an easy advantage. This also makes destroying your opponents economy a VERY viable tactic to give you an advantage and win a match. But i like its complexity personally.Cool
[Image: picture.php?albumid=99&pictureid=1018]
Oh, and its quite demanding for a computer. My one stutters a fair bit when large amounts of units/lighting effects are on screen.(Though i run it at its higest settings.) So its probably best that you look up its specs first.Rolleyes

I've recently started to write a guide that is simply to help people pick their favorite faction.(Lists differences in play style and unique units ECT) Its coming along ok.:redface:

So yeah. Anyone heard of it? Anyone play it? What did ya think of it?

I tend to have wars with my brother...which i always lose as i'm crap at the game.:tongue:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so

I suck RTS games, ever once in a while I'll pick on up and try it than just get wiped out in like 30 minutes. I do remember seeing the trailers for SupCom and thinking it looked pretty epic but I would get owned in that game.

TimmyThink Wrote:I suck RTS games, ever once in a while I'll pick on up and try it than just get wiped out in like 30 minutes. I do remember seeing the trailers for SupCom and thinking it looked pretty epic but I would get owned in that game.
nice game but like timmy said i really suck horribly at rts games

I got a reply?! Wow i...actually didn't expect to get one.:biggrin:
And i got two no less!
I'm glad i'm not the only one crap at RTS'.:tongue: I suck at Command and Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath too...(and every other one i've played to date:redfaceSmile
But i do find them fun.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so

I might give it a go, looks like its challenging Smile

hehe, it looks pretty cool I used to like Shogun and Medievil: Total War

problem is for me I have NO patience Tongue thanks to years of internet and TV brain-wasting...If games get too complicated I tend to see that as a bad thing and therefore get frustrated, maybe I'm just a bit of a gun head. Reminds me of how awesome I thought Warhammer 40k would be until I actually tried to play it with the full rules ^_^

"hehe, it looks pretty cool I used to like Shogun and Medievil: Total War

problem is for me I have NO patience Tongue thanks to years of internet and TV brain-wasting...If games get too complicated I tend to see that as a bad thing and therefore get frustrated, maybe I'm just a bit of a gun head. Reminds me of how awesome I thought Warhammer 40k would be until I actually tried to play it with the full rules ^_^"
(Sorry, bloody quotes weren't working.:redfaceSmile

Never played those games.:redface:

If over complexity is a turn off for you, may i recomend Supreme Commander 2? It plays like a simplified version of the original.(Which is why i don't like it half as much.:redfaceSmile

Yup. *Looks at dusty army carry case* *sobs*:tongue:
Makes me prefer the Dawn of War games(Well, up to the DOW2), as they are actually...well...funRolleyes.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so

I have actually enjoyed a few RTS games and just happen to be looking for a new game atm, SO I plan to give it a go! TY TY for the handy info Genersis! Will let you know how it goes ( probably wont get to try it till the weekend though, as my procrastination has finally led me to HAVE to do some work Astrosmiley2).

Last time i played a game like this was command and conqeruer... I liked it on the ps1 and found it interesting to go round... Also i was a massive gamer on black and white because when a god would really upset me thats the point i would grab one of their little people and sacrifice them and then BURN YES BURN THE VILLAGE TO THE GROUND UNTIL THEY SURRENDERED TO ME THE ALMIGHT GOD OF FIRE ZEON....

Kindest regards

Head of Rage of fire tribe

*automated message "Please leave a message after the flame... Ouch"

Beaux Wrote:I have actually enjoyed a few RTS games and just happen to be looking for a new game atm, SO I plan to give it a go! TY TY for the handy info Genersis! Will let you know how it goes ( probably wont get to try it till the weekend though, as my procrastination has finally led me to HAVE to do some work Astrosmiley2).
You're Welcome.:biggrin: Let me know what faction you end up playing as eh?Confusedmile:

zeon Wrote:Last time i played a game like this was command and conqeruer... I liked it on the ps1 and found it interesting to go round... Also i was a massive gamer on black and white because when a god would really upset me thats the point i would grab one of their little people and sacrifice them and then BURN YES BURN THE VILLAGE TO THE GROUND UNTIL THEY SURRENDERED TO ME THE ALMIGHT GOD OF FIRE ZEON....

Kindest regards

Head of Rage of fire tribe

*automated message "Please leave a message after the flame... Ouch"
Ahh. My first RTS was C&C on the N64. Fun times. SupCom 2 is about as complex as the C&C games.

Oh, and Zeon, Leave those poor villigers alone.

...Or wait untill you have a nuke at least.:biggrin:

Speaking of nukes. SupCom Has Nuclear warfare. :biggrinSad the Seraphim faction has SUPER NUKES:eek:.)
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so

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