anyone here ever find any interesting part time jobs and if so what did or do you do?
personally i do some tutoring where i live.
I did a paper run once and worked in a car wash and have done part time IT jobs and went fruit picking over the summer holidays when i was at school
I once drove a Land Rover for an alcoholic gardener who had lost his driving licence.
All my work is part-time these days. I find it hard to imagine a 37-hour ceilidh ...
I did two summers in the boarding facility of an exotic animal hospital. It wasn't that bad a job, but you have to have a high tolerance for cuts, bruises, and tetanus shots. Otherwise, I worked four years as a lab technician in a regular veterinary hospital, with a brief stint once doing nights and weekends in another hospital simultaneously. Doing school and two jobs all at the same time burned me out pretty quickly, I didn't try that again.
And now I'm gainfully unemployed :p.
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Graphics is a great part time job.
Don't always get paid, but it's fun to do in your spare time.
can lead on to website design aswell... which can be a good part time job.
Retail is usually pretty good since you can find anything really. Though being a cashier can be a bore if you get into that xD
I've always done things like customer service like silver service and bar work, meet some really nice people and its good if your a socially active person and like communicating with people
Anything that pays cash is good. Depending what your talents and experience are, you should be able to find one that suits your need.
A temp agency is a good place to file an application. Graphic artwork & design is pretty good for spare time stuff. See if you can turn your hobby or hobbies into a part-time job on the side; you never know where this one will take you.
Plus, if you're under 35 then you might qualify for a part time job with a privately owned correctional facility. Privately owned youth detention centers are always in need of security staff. And they will train you and the pay is pretty good.