Was invited by a friend to see Neil Hannon (The Divine Comedy) perform yesterday in a bookshop in Hertfordshire. How have I missed this man before?!! I predict a small fortune being spent on buying up the entire catalogue. Stunning!!
Been listening to the Real Group's (Swedish Acapella group) stunning performances in The Middle of Life. Does anyone else know the Real Group??? Has anyone found some YouTubes of their performances?
matty7 Wrote:a nice sounding folk tune - ive really got a thing for this songs which i heard by accident one day, hope you like it
Thanks, Matty. I've heard quite a lot about them recently, but not heard them until now. The only folk bit I detected was (almost) the A music of "Merrily Danced the Quaker's Wife" right at the beginning.
marshlander Wrote:Thanks, Matty. I've heard quite a lot about them recently, but not heard them until now. The only folk bit I detected was (almost) the A music of "Merrily Danced the Quaker's Wife" right at the beginning.
wikipedia classes them as folk/rock...i had to look them up, turns out their from london - to be honest..i wouldn't know folk from my elbow really - it does sounds really good to my ears though mile:
this morning I was listening to the Dresden Dolls while cleaning the kitchen, then dancing to Drowning Pool while cooking my lunch... but now I'm on The Pet Shop Boys while I'm (meant to be) writing my essay for Uni. hehe :redface: