04-25-2011, 03:31 AM
Hey everyone, joined a few weeks ago, but haven't had a chance to do a proper intro. I'm Andrew, from Connecticut. Hi.
I stumbled across this forum a while ago, and I like the laid back attitude everyone seems to have and the variety of topics being discussed. Frankly, it's nice to be on a gay-themed site where I can interact with others and that *isn't* sexually charged for a change, hehe.
I've officially been "out" to myself, my friends, and my boss at work for over 5 years (I'm 29 now), but I haven't told my parents yet. I've had many mental conversations about whether to do so or not since that time, but I've decided (today, in fact) that they should know and that I will tell them....sometime. I think it will reduce a lot of the tension I feel when I'm with them. Part of me thinks they know, but parents can blissfully ignorant/in denial until the moment you say something, I suppose.
Not to sound like a sob story, but I've never had a "real" boyfriend, or had any romantic relationship last beyond a month and half or so. I feel a lot of it stems from the above not being 100% out to my parents, and partly from some bad experiences I've suffered while trying to meet new people (mostly involving drunken men who don't know how to keep their hands to themselves...to this day I'm still somewhat frightened of older gay men). I realize isolating myself won't get me anywhere, so I'm trying to be more involved with the gay community here in Connecticut, which will hopefully help me overcome some of these apprehensions. Sometimes it can get frustrating, feeling like I can't find people I click with romantically....I don't think my tastes are *that* esoteric, but I feel that I can't relate sometimes. It's weird. But I need to keep my head up. I'm making new friends at the local Pride Center, and hopefully on this site as well.
Enough emotional underbelly stuff, the goods on what makes me tick: I like a lot of different things, things that seem contradictory - I can dig the cool badassness of a Tarantino flick as much as the sweet breathelessness of Miyazaki's animations.
I dig music A LOT - Spoon, Pavement, Passion Pit, Bjork, Dave Brubeck, Miles Davis, various J-rock and pop groups, showtunes, and yes, even a little Lady Gaga. I'm trying to learn bass guitar, because bass is boss.
I like to walk around Yale campus listening to my iPod. It's pretty in the Spring and Fall.
I want to write a graphic novel someday, and have an idea kicking around my head. Noticed that many of you guys are English, which is great because my story takes place in London - if anybody can help me get a better understanding of the gay scene/Soho short of visiting (although that doesn't sound like a bad idea!) I'm all ears.
Umm, I work out a few days a week, but I have a sweet tooth I have to keep an eye on, lol. Biscotti and good coffee are bliss to me. I have a weakness for Asian soups, particularly of the Thai and Vietnamese variety.
I hope all of that wasn't too ramble-y....anything else you guys want to know, just ask. Nice to meet everyone, looking forward to discussing more in the forums!

I've officially been "out" to myself, my friends, and my boss at work for over 5 years (I'm 29 now), but I haven't told my parents yet. I've had many mental conversations about whether to do so or not since that time, but I've decided (today, in fact) that they should know and that I will tell them....sometime. I think it will reduce a lot of the tension I feel when I'm with them. Part of me thinks they know, but parents can blissfully ignorant/in denial until the moment you say something, I suppose.
Not to sound like a sob story, but I've never had a "real" boyfriend, or had any romantic relationship last beyond a month and half or so. I feel a lot of it stems from the above not being 100% out to my parents, and partly from some bad experiences I've suffered while trying to meet new people (mostly involving drunken men who don't know how to keep their hands to themselves...to this day I'm still somewhat frightened of older gay men). I realize isolating myself won't get me anywhere, so I'm trying to be more involved with the gay community here in Connecticut, which will hopefully help me overcome some of these apprehensions. Sometimes it can get frustrating, feeling like I can't find people I click with romantically....I don't think my tastes are *that* esoteric, but I feel that I can't relate sometimes. It's weird. But I need to keep my head up. I'm making new friends at the local Pride Center, and hopefully on this site as well.

Enough emotional underbelly stuff, the goods on what makes me tick: I like a lot of different things, things that seem contradictory - I can dig the cool badassness of a Tarantino flick as much as the sweet breathelessness of Miyazaki's animations.
I dig music A LOT - Spoon, Pavement, Passion Pit, Bjork, Dave Brubeck, Miles Davis, various J-rock and pop groups, showtunes, and yes, even a little Lady Gaga. I'm trying to learn bass guitar, because bass is boss.
I like to walk around Yale campus listening to my iPod. It's pretty in the Spring and Fall.
I want to write a graphic novel someday, and have an idea kicking around my head. Noticed that many of you guys are English, which is great because my story takes place in London - if anybody can help me get a better understanding of the gay scene/Soho short of visiting (although that doesn't sound like a bad idea!) I'm all ears.
Umm, I work out a few days a week, but I have a sweet tooth I have to keep an eye on, lol. Biscotti and good coffee are bliss to me. I have a weakness for Asian soups, particularly of the Thai and Vietnamese variety.
I hope all of that wasn't too ramble-y....anything else you guys want to know, just ask. Nice to meet everyone, looking forward to discussing more in the forums!