I think that you can appositely lean how to draw, it’s really just about how much time you’re willing to put into it. It’s all about practice, practice and more practice, than after all that practice you still won’t be where you want to be.
Art is a strange thing because you it’s something that you never stop improving on the more you do it but at the same time you can never master it. There is always someone better than you, there is always something new to learn.
I also give you a bit of a warning, learning to draw can be incredibly rewarding as well as incredibly frustrating. I myself quit drawing/art altogether because I hit a point where I stopped improving or at least I think I stopped improving.
If to where to give you some advice, it would be get drawing bro. Even if it sucks worse than anything that has ever sucked before that doesn’t matter. What matters is opening the that creative, getting those creative juices following.
Like I said art can be a very rewarding activity. Art can open your mind, you start using parts of your brain that you didn’t know you had. You can tap into your imagination again which most people tend to lose has they get older. Maybe you’ll start see the world in lines and brush strokes, you’ll look at a car an think hey I can draw that (maybe) or a tree an think I could paint that, and that……that’s something
Sorry if this rant is a bit all over the place I just keep writing not really knowing what point I was trying to make.