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Gay is not a synonym for coward
I was 65 on May second. Throughout my life I have felt that homosexuals were completely ignored by Americans and the media. In recent years I've noticed we are starting to be written into TV shows and movies. I am truly disgusted that gay men are always presented as something less than real men. We are always depicted in an unfavorable light. Shows like Law And Order and Dateline always insinuate we are child molesters or worse. If we are shown in situation comedies, we are presented as fools who giggle uncontrollably in one scene after another.

By politicians we are routinely used as whipping dogs. We are a scourge on this nation. Christian evangelicals proudly parade around with GOD HATES FAGS signs. The Supreme Court ruled 8 to1 this is free speech. Every American state took the position it was not free speech. They said it was hate speech.
I disliked wiping the Courts spit from my face. I despised the glee that Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas showed when they won overwhelming victory over American faggots like me. Excuse my french, F..k the Supreme Court.

Every kid in every school is treated to the same brainwashing. All gays are sissies. All gays take it up the ass. You could never count on a gay guy in a fight. George Bush truly transformed this country. When he took office, boys 13 to 19 died from primarily from accidents and disease. When he left office boys died primarily from murder and suicide. As George Bush would say MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. We had twice as many gay kids commit suicide as were killed on 911.

In the last 10 years I have been insulted more often for being gay than I did in the first 55 years. At Christmas my evangelical sister told everyone with pleasure that a student at Rutgers had committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge He had been secretly videotaped by homophobic classmates giving his first blowjob. After posting video on Rutgers internet site he killed himself. My sister told me that he had "IT" I wasn't sure what "IT" was. She says "You know, like you, he had IT'' How nice after being gay for fifty years she couldn't say the word gay. I had become someone with "IT". My sister considers Sen. Santorum to be infallible; Glen Beck is a prophet; Rush Limbaugh is the sole source of truth and Westboro Baptist Church is admirable in their commitment to God.

I have a problem. No one ever thinks I'm gay. I have another problem, I have a temper.
When I feel provoked I bring my nose to within one inch of his and ask him quietly to repeat what he just said. On Christmas I looked at my sister and promptly left the house to take a walk' It was very cold out and I enjoyed the immediate drop in temperature.

I truly hope I get to meet Sen. Santorum. I hope he remembers to be extra polite when speaking to me. I hope that man does not believe that gay is a synonym for coward.

Let me simpy repeat the opening line of this thread. GAY IS NOT A SYNONYM FOR COWARD. I truly believe that.

Please watch the video posted by XRIMO. I wish I had that man's eoquence. His name is Steve Simon.
Also. watch the video posted by PrinceAlbertofb. It is heartwarming.
A lot of gays are bullies.

There is hope...


- off topic -

The questions remind me somewhat on Astrid Lindgren's book "Emil of Lönneberga. In response to the questions of the priest the milkmaid answers: "God created the universe, that was not such a great performance ... but how he create the snail-form in my ears - that l mean is a special performance "

Gay is defiantly not a synonym for coward.

How can you be a coward when you can stand against so many hatred, and bias of homophobia?
How can a gay person be a coward if he has the bravery to admit to himself what he likes is not wrong even many people tell him that he was born in sin?
How can an open gay teenager be a coward if he can go through high school with bullying and hating without the help of parents, teachers and counselors?,
How can a gay man be a coward if he can face the his family, friends, and other people that he love to come out to them as an honest man despite of the fact that he may loose all of them after that?
How can a lesbian be a coward if she can accept the fact that she may never be able to be a mother?
How can many many members of the LGBT community be coward if they are all together standing against "the right thing" which society has been telling us over the last hundreds year.

I personally can't hit anything in the distance of 1-2 yards due to my near sight and clumsiness. I may not be able to take down a man in a bare hand fight. I may never engage myself in a street fight, and I can't hurt anyone because my religion told me so (Buddhism).
But I know I am not a coward every time the 3 words "I am gay" come out of my mouth. Smile

ok then happy birthsday .sorry

something to make our world a little better.... just a fantasy or???


B I resent how East --next blogger--deliberately took my comments said in humor. HeY East you are deliberately misleading people to make me seem like a bigot[/COLOR][/][/QUOTE]

East wasnt taking your comments and making them humorous. In fact, I dont think anyone could make your comments humorous. You come across with a mixed feeling of agression and dementia. I dont understand half of what your saying, and what I do understand I find offensive.

In fact, I will just go on and say it: Dude, your creepy.

Beaux Wrote:East wasnt taking your comments and making them humorous. In fact, I dont think anyone could make your comments humorous. You come across with a mixed feeling of agression and dementia. I dont understand half of what your saying, and what I do understand I find offensive.

In fact, I will just go on and say it: Dude, your creepy.

Thanks Beaux! Ditto!

It's important to remember it's difficult to convey tone online. Perhaps people talk a certain way in certain areas and if you heard them, it'd seem natural... but that's not the case online. And if you're quoting how other people say it, you need to be clear on that. I found that out the hard way in college when I quoted "dumb jock" in an e-mail - I was actually defending people who'd been called "dumb jock", but turns out some of them really were (or so it seemed) and got made at me because they didn't get the use of it as quotes. Anyway the point is, sometimes we just need to chill and realize it's not like people are always out there purposefully trying to take things out of context, sometimes it's just a misunderstanding. And if that misunderstanding involved any offensive words, we should especially try to simply make ourselves more clear in a polite manner.

I'm very confused right now, I thought Gilhooly was just doing some run of mill venting but I'm not sure whats going on in this thread, I just.....I don't.....what????
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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