About wearing mask, hope this will give you some thought:
Also, I don't know if your profile picture is you or not. But if it 's you then for sure you have a pretty mask.
I am still in the process of coming out also. The more I come out the more I realize that coming out is more about accepting myself and other people in LGBT. All of us know that if we are gay then we have always been gay, no one turns gay or suddenly be gay. But coming out is totally different.
I remember when I was younger, I used to find Trans people are nasty, or flamboyant gay guys are just messed up. Cross dressers and drag queens disgusted me.
But as I become more comfortable with my orientation, I feel more comfortable with accepting the difference also. I made friends with LGBT people, I have friends who are trans, gay, les, drag queen, fetisher, ... I started to see people as an individual instead of a category. As I see that light, every time I tell someone that I am gay, it is no longer a big deal anymore. I don't have the shaking feeling as I am so scare of being judged. It 's because I know I am the only one who has the right to judge myself.
I feel like you don't have to run around to tell everyone that you are gay. If you get to the point of being comfortable with your orientation, admitting that you are gay just come very naturally. The another day, I was talking to one of my coworker about dating and stuff. He asked me about girls that I dated and blah blah. Then what came out of my mouth was :" oh, I just recently dated someone. He was great, really handsome and intelligent". I just told that truth without even thinking about that.
Anyway, you are totally right about " having more important thing to do right now rather than tell ppl my sexuality". I hope your coming works well