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why do so many gays conform to stereotypes set up by straights why act and talk like a woman when u could just be yourself instead of creating this new image of what u think the world wants you to be just because your gay, u couldnt shake a stick at my sexuality unless i told u, people need to stay away from stereotypes it makes any average gay seem like they arent allowed to be gay unless they have a lisp it keeps that "oh ur just confused" seed of doubt in every parents mind.

I have to disagree, some gays are just like that, and their behavior is no more or less an act than your behavior. They also get it much worse from society and even other gays who have a fetishistic obsession with "straight-acting" gay men.

I disagree as well, a person's natural demeanor, be it masculine, feminine or in between holds no correlation to choice.

Feminine gay men don't conform to stereotypes, if that were the case, stereotypes wouldn't exist! Think about it! Stereotypes originate from some form of truth, although they don't represent an entire community, they come from actual characteristics observed more commonly than not.

Feminine men are born feminine, just like you were naturally inclined to be masculine. You're being yourself, and so are guys with feminine attributes. They're not trying to act like females, they're being themselves! Just like you're masculinity doesn't mean you're trying to be straight!

My feminine gay friends never made me feel like I couldn't be myself, or "gay" for that matter! You're argument holds no foundation, and from what I read (no shade) it sounds like you have some unresolved insecurities that need addressing.

What's an average gay man?! Please explain!

Femininity and masculinity does not dictate sexual orientation!

Parents are going to initially think your confused about your sexuality (once you're out of the closet) regardless if you have a lisp, or if you're growing a beard!

Gay men, ya'll need to stop being to strung up on how people perceive you based on how your demeanor is or how you dress! All gay men are the same, in the respect that we prefer men over women!

Just be yourself! If you're feminine, you don't need to pretend to be masculine to make those around you (including family) comfortable. Got a flippy wrist? FLIP IT bitches! Who gives a fuck!? We are all on the same boat!

Stop the segregation people! Don't we have enough already as it is?

I am what I am
I am my own special creation
So come take a look
Give me the hook or the ovation
Its my world
That I want to have a little pride in
My world
And its not a place I have to hide in
Lifes not worth a damn
Till you can say
I am what I am

I am what I am
I dont want praise I dont want pity
I bang my own drum
Some think its noise I think its pretty
And so what if I love each sparkle and each bangle
Why not try to see things from a different angle
Your life is a sham
Till you can shout out
I am what I am

I am what I am
And what I am needs no excuses
I deal my own deck
Sometimes the ace sometimes the deuces
Its one life and theres no return and no deposit
One life so its time to open up your closet
Lifes not worth a damn till you can shout out
I am what I am

I am what I am

I am what I am
And what I am needs no excuses
I deal my own deck sometimes the aces sometimes the deuces
Its one life and theres no return and no deposit
One life so its time to open up your closet
Lifes not worth a damn till you can shout out
I am what I am

Oh I am
Oh I am
I am, I am, I am good
I am, I am, I am strong
I am, I am, I am worthy
I am, I am, I belong

The Leopard cannot change his spots.


I found flamboyant guys attractive lol
I don't think I people can pretend to act flamboyant or masculine if their human nature is not.
And it 's also about the perception of other people.
I remember when I first come out to this one girl, she fell off the chair and said "NO WAY, you don't act gay at all". I had to explained to her that being gay just mean you like boys.
However, now she knows that I am gay, automatically whatever I do is gay. I just told her today I baked a cake and ironed all of my shirts. She told me "congrats, you become more of a girl now". Lol, I firmly believe cooking and ironing clothes have nothing to do with femininity. It 's just all about perception.

Back to the topic, I really don't see how flamboyancy relates to being gay actually. I have several straight friends (confirmed) act more feminine than all of the gay guys I know lol

interesting, i just hate stereotypes

I am someone who accepts someone for who they are not what they are... I have always found some aspects of the gay scene rather scary and un explainable however if i start asking about it it can be construded as posting a label on something that maybe doesnt need one on there... I can understand how camp people could turn people into thinking it is un natural... I admit I used to think like that when i was younger but then when i met friends who were hetrosexual and highly camp I sorted out my mind a little and thought ok so its not just a gay thing...
I would have to beleive however that people who are camp are happy within their sexuality.. It is not ment in a way which rubs one anothers sexuality in the face because I dont agree with that... I beleive in being who you are show no shame and enjoy life one day at a time... Someone dont like it??? They can piss off the other way..

Kindest regards

zeon zx

posterpicture Wrote:I found flamboyant guys attractive lol
I don't think I people can pretend to act flamboyant or masculine if their human nature is not.
And it 's also about the perception of other people.
I remember when I first come out to this one girl, she fell off the chair and said "NO WAY, you don't act gay at all". I had to explained to her that being gay just mean you like boys.
However, now she knows that I am gay, automatically whatever I do is gay. I just told her today I baked a cake and ironed all of my shirts. She told me "congrats, you become more of a girl now". Lol, I firmly believe cooking and ironing clothes have nothing to do with femininity. It 's just all about perception.

Back to the topic, I really don't see how flamboyancy relates to being gay actually. I have several straight friends (confirmed) act more feminine than all of the gay guys I know lol

Oh, Idk about people not acting flamboyant. I have noticed that gay guys act WAY more flamboyant when at the club than they do when they are in the work place. Just an observation.

Thank you Beaux, I wondered if anyone else would see it as I do. I myself put on this act when I first came out, felt like I wanted to LET EVERYONE KNOW I'M GAY!!!!!!! Eventually I got over it. There are some guys who are naturally feminine, and some who put up an act and overload it.

It's all performance, we all measure our behavior under different situations. I hardly act the same with my parents as I do with friends, or with coworkers, or clients when I worked as a receptionist. And I'm not talking about being camp here, I just tend not to be abrasive and swear like a sailor when I'm in a professional environment.

Modulating our behavior to the situation is normal human behavior. Does that make any change in our behavior an act? I don't think so, who is to say that the camp club persona is less honest than a more reserved day to day behavior.

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