Anger is like a beast
Confined within a cell
It's wrath can be heard throughout
The seven circles of hell
It scratches, kicks, punches the prison walls
It's screams can be heard through those
Long, fiery halls
'There's nothing for you here'
Would say the brute
It will set you aflame
Turn you to soot
It's the monster in your closet
The one under your bed
Cutting out the light means off with your head
It will rip you apart
Suck your blood
Break your bones
Let it mix with blood
Everywhere you look, the beast is there
Leaving in it's wake
A path of utter despair.
This is a poem i wrote a couple of years ago when i was going through hard times. Actually, it was after i had a dream where i thought i was actually being strangled. it was after that when these words just started forming into a poem.
ooh wow great poem i really love it a lot dreams actually do help huh  mile:
Teeming with truth and passion, you are obviously quite spirited. It's nice to see in a world so full of machinery, in both the literal and sense that humans seem to have shed some of their human passions for pixels and processors, that the old arts still play their part. In a world so connected now by machine, it would seem that we've lost all connection. Speak you may across the globe, but smiling and waving, chatting with your neighbors, all to be lost at this rate. Sorry, I'm on a tangent. I simply was trying to convey that it is good that you can understand anger, one of the deepest and most raw emotions in existence.  It's a compliment, really.
haha thanks, i usually only write like this when my emotions are strong or when i'm inspired. really though, i came up with this after i awoke from a dream, and before that, it felt like someone was sitting on my chest, squeezing my neck. Thats when i came up with this. At first it was only four lines, but i progressively added onto it.
I know what you mean. When I write it tends to be the same way. Only during times of intense emotion can I muster anything. Or if I'm inspired, which works in equal wonder.  I've also had dreams like that, but most often my dreams are quite enjoyable, and full of meaning. I like trying to decode my own dreams (often to no avail), as dreams are supposed to be your subconscious sending you messages, sometimes even answers to problems you're going through. Sometimes they're even a reaction to your thoughts. Those are the ones that really weird me out, as I'll be thinking about something all day, and have a dream that resolves the entire dilemma.
Do you write poetry often or only when crushed in your dreams?
No i don;t write that often, and lols i love doing that too, for some reason trying to decode my own dreams is kinda fun in a way. And no i don't write when i'm crushed in my dreams silly:tongue: But when i write it's usually either freewrite or love poetry. I've even tried writing a love song. lols sometimes i think i am too romantic. lmfao xD
Awwwww, no, that's sweet. ^^ But I guess I can't really say that, because same here. XD Anytime I write poetry, it has something to do with love. Being in love, being hurt because of love, lost love, secret love, love, love, love. >.< I feel like a broken record or something. I've also tried writing a love song, which did NOT go well. Mostly because I can't play any instrument (except the tambourine), nor can I read music (anymore), so I just have to try to remember the notes. Which doesn't ever work for me. To other songs, yes, but not to my own.
It's really funny trying to decode the really weird dreams, like when you lost your shoes and for some reason are laying naked in a bathroom and an Asian man is looking at you and speaking something that sounds somewhat like Chinese... Oh, that ones just me? Nevermind. :redface:
lols we have a lot in common already. I can hardly play any instruments except the keyboard(which i'm still learning) and i can read sheet music, but only if i'm singing. I cannot however, read it worth a shit if i'm trying to play music. I mean, i can play by ear, but only to simple melodies so far. I wanna learn how to play river flows in you.
And lmfao i have never though of decoding dreams as losing shoes and lmfao thats just funny sorry.
We do, we do. ^^ I love singing, though I'm no good at it. That's not the point, though.  I sing because I enjoy it, same with dancing. I'm God-awful at it, and could never do one of those nasty dances that people do at parties and clubs, it's just not my style. I'm more fluid motion, lots of hand-movement, story-telling dancing. But I'm a freak like that.  I've always wanted to play the piano and the violin, yet I never seem to find the time. I tried playing the saxophone in the 4th grade, but after falling and being impaled through the leg with a stick, I had to quit. XD I also find playing by ear to be quite the talent. I don't think I could ever do that, except to sing. And obviously to play the tambourine.
You laugh, but I was SO upset that I couldn't find my shoes. XD They were PF Flyers! How was I supposed to out-run the Beast without them. (So many points if you get my reference.)
lols i sing and dance because it's been a passion of mine since i was small. And i tend to do that a lot too, i mainly use my feet though, sometimes i do cartwheels and flips xD And trust me i'm kinda a freak myself, considering my disability of sorts, or at least thats what they call it. See i have aspergers syndrome, so i tend to have a lot of quirky habits. Also, i'm seriously deaf in my right ear and yet i sing opera. And along with trying to learn how too play piano, i want to learn violin as well, along with cello and learning to play the ocarina. They make such a beautiful noise wheen played.